Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Dustin_Dean Dustin Dean
#player2 Christopher_Sykes Christopher Sykes
>Dustin_Dean: AAABEOY 8F ABAYA +20 20
#note 8D ABAYA scores 2 more, but I was hypnotized by the symmetrical siren's song of this ABAYA. Will I end up shipwrecked on the rocks?
>Christopher_Sykes: BIINT 9D BINIT +17 17
>Dustin_Dean: ?AEFIIO 10B FIE +18 38
#note best
>Christopher_Sykes: CDIORTY J7 C.RYOTID +76 93
#note CARYATID/CARYOTIN. Best valid play is (AT)ROCITY for 48.
>Dustin_Dean: ?AEIKNO K11 KINO +35 73
#note K10 OKE for 2 less, keeping AIN? with EEEEEEEEEEE unseen.
>Christopher_Sykes: EEILNOU L7 LOUIE +13 106
>Dustin_Dean: ?AADENO K5 ODA +13 86
#note Whiffed on the one 7-letter word in this rack, which fits best at 11B for 77. Also plays at M1 and K1 for 69, and at H2 for 60, bookending AT. Disregarding bingoes, 10F DOE 24 sims best.
>Christopher_Sykes: ADENRTW 5F DANEW.RT +62 168
>Dustin_Dean: ?ADEFNT 4A FAiNTED +84 170
#note best
>Christopher_Sykes: EELOPQU B2 OP.QUE +38 206
>Dustin_Dean: ?EEGILS 15D ELEGIeS +89 259
#note The best valid play is M2 GEn(T)ILES 82. Other bingoes are N5 SEELInG, N5 SpIEGEL, and 2B (O)bLIGEES; as well as the nines ELEGIS(IN)g and dIESEL(IN)G. Having decided on 15D, LEgGIES, GElLIES, EELInGS, and ELEGItS were the other options.
>Christopher_Sykes: AEGGLOS 7E AGOG +21 227
>Dustin_Dean: AAEEORV A7 AVO +20 279
#note 8A ARVO 48
>Christopher_Sykes: ELRRRSX 8L .XER +33 260
>Dustin_Dean: ACEEHJR M11 HAJ +37 316
#note HAJ sims best. I3 JE(E) for 18, keeping AECHR and setting up the A ???
>Christopher_Sykes: LLRRSTU 11D TRULL +15 275
>Dustin_Dean: CEEEIRZ N6 ZE. +32 348
#note 14J (DO)ZIER 46, followed by B10 (F)RIEZE 36, sim better. Champ agrees on N6 ZE(E).
>Christopher_Sykes: MNRSSTW I4 M.W +8 283
>Dustin_Dean: CEEIMRS 4K CEE +23 371
#note Champ suggests 12A MICS 34 and 14A CREME/CRIME 24. Had Chris dumped 4 of his 7 consonants with 2A W(O)RMS, I would have had 1D MERCIES for 3W.
>Christopher_Sykes: INRSSTU 12C US +16 299
>Dustin_Dean: IMNOPRS N12 MOP +27 398
#note C2 MO(i) 20, blocking H(O)RNIEST/(O)RNITHES.
>Christopher_Sykes: EHINRST 2B .RNITHES +63 362
>Christopher_Sykes: (INRSV) +16 378
#note Players agreed to 398-380.
Player 2
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