Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Dustin_Dean Dustin Dean
#player2 Peter_Schwartzman Peter Schwartzman
>Dustin_Dean: AFGNRTU H7 FUG +14 14
>Peter_Schwartzman: ?AADITW G9 AWAITeD +66 66
>Dustin_Dean: AEINRTW 11A ANTIWE.R +72 86
#note F4 TINWARE 75
>Peter_Schwartzman: INOX A11 .XION +60 126
>Dustin_Dean: CEEHIIR 15D CHI.E +42 128
#note 15D HER(D)IC 48
>Peter_Schwartzman: ?ILLORS 13G .ROLLIeS +66 192
>Dustin_Dean: EGIKRSU 14E EK. +37 165
#note 14E UK(e) 37
>Peter_Schwartzman: AAEIRST C7 ARIS.ATE +70 262
>Dustin_Dean: GIIORSU G3 GUIRO +15 180
#note 8A GI(R)O 18
>Peter_Schwartzman: BFO 8A FO.B +36 298
>Dustin_Dean: EIOSSTT F9 TO.S +19 199
#note 5E OT(I)TISES 82. 3F E(G)OTISTS 70. L7 OSTEIT(IS) 68.
>Peter_Schwartzman: DDEY E5 EDDY +31 329
>Dustin_Dean: EISTVYZ D3 IVY +23 222
#note D1 ZESTY 59
>Peter_Schwartzman: AEEHPUV N6 UPHEAVE. +70 399
>Dustin_Dean: BESTZ C1 BET +14 236
>Peter_Schwartzman: AAL 1A AL.A +21 420
>Dustin_Dean: CEERSUZ 4F C.Z +24 260
#note O1 CEREUS 29 ??? 8K RUC(H)E 33 ??? 7L ZE(P) 15 ??? L11 SE(I)ZE 30 ???
>Peter_Schwartzman: AMP O6 PAM +50 470
>Dustin_Dean: EEMNRSU 8H .M +4 264
>Peter_Schwartzman: Q L12 Q. +22 492
>Dustin_Dean: EENNRSU M2 RUNES +15 279
>Peter_Schwartzman: DEIJR 2J JER.ID +60 552
>Dustin_Dean: EGNNNOO 1N GO +21 300
>Peter_Schwartzman: ELOT 4K LE.TO +12 564
>Peter_Schwartzman: (ENNNO) +10 574
Player 2
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