Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Skyler_Lutz Skyler Lutz
#player2 Dustin_Dean Dustin Dean
>Skyler_Lutz: ERSTUVV -UVV +0 0
#note not actual rack
>Dustin_Dean: HM 8G HM +14 14
>Skyler_Lutz: EIL 9F LIE +14 14
>Dustin_Dean: ERSTUVV -UVV +0 14
#note not actual rack
>Skyler_Lutz: CEIT 10D ETIC +20 34
>Dustin_Dean: EY D10 .YE +12 26
>Skyler_Lutz: ESUUUVV -UUUVV +0 34
#note not actual rack
>Dustin_Dean: AEINNRS 13B INSANER +73 99
#note 13C INSNARE 75
>Skyler_Lutz: ENW H12 W.EN +33 67
>Dustin_Dean: LV 14G L.V +8 107
>Skyler_Lutz: DEOSU J11 DOUSE +17 84
>Dustin_Dean: ?ABILOX K6 mAILBOX +95 202
>Skyler_Lutz: COY L11 COY +42 126
>Dustin_Dean: ADNRU B10 DUR.AN +22 224
>Skyler_Lutz: DEKSS 8J K.SSED +36 162
>Dustin_Dean: IQ M6 QI. +13 237
>Skyler_Lutz: ILORT N4 LOIT.R +23 185
>Dustin_Dean: AGHPR J2 GRAPH +35 272
>Skyler_Lutz: EGORU A6 ROUGE +21 206
>Dustin_Dean: AB A14 BA +22 294
>Skyler_Lutz: ORU M13 OUR +16 222
>Dustin_Dean: ADG 15L G.AD +24 318
>Skyler_Lutz: EFIW M1 WIFE +22 244
>Dustin_Dean: ?AEITTT 6A .ATTIEsT +61 379
#note Other bingoes: 3C ATwITTE(R) 68, B1 TATTIEs 71, B1 TATTIEr 71. Could play short here with 1L T(W)AT 24.
>Skyler_Lutz: EFIN O1 NEIF +43 287
>Dustin_Dean: AAMNOTV D1 MOVAN. +28 407
#note H1 MOVAN(T) 36.
>Skyler_Lutz: EJOPZ F4 JE.Z +20 307
>Dustin_Dean: AT 3B TA. +12 419
>Dustin_Dean: (OP) +8 427
#note Players agreed to 435-317.
Player 2
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