Game Details
Player 1
#player1 SkylerLutz SkylerLutz
#player2 LarrySherman LarrySherman
>SkylerLutz: AIIMNPS 8F IMP +14 14
#note Didn't know PIANISM
>LarrySherman: AY 9G YA +24 24
>SkylerLutz: AINPSVY I9 YIP +25 39
#note Weird. I looked exactly at the I7 spot for YIP, considering IMPI backhook the. Brainfart I guess
>LarrySherman: ACI 11I .ICA +16 40
>SkylerLutz: AENOSVW E5 AVOW +31 70
>LarrySherman: AEIILNS K7 SALI.INE +60 100
>SkylerLutz: ENOOOST 13K .OO +6 76
#note Maybe NOOSE 15H is worth it?
>LarrySherman: AH J14 HA +26 126
>SkylerLutz: EENORST 12C ESTRONE +75 151
>LarrySherman: EE 6E .EE +8 134
>SkylerLutz: DGKLORX B11 GOLD +20 171
#note Saw GOX 13A, wasn't really sure if its better
>LarrySherman: ?AEGINS 15D ANErGI.S +88 222
>SkylerLutz: EKMNRRX 8J M.RKER +39 210
#note Darn... AXMEN, I knew there was a 5 there... couldn't find it.
>LarrySherman: HO 14E OH +28 250
>SkylerLutz: ABGNNTX N11 BANG +18 228
#note NIXING 10H is dope
>LarrySherman: ILRV D2 VIRL +16 266
>SkylerLutz: ?DENTUX O10 DEX +40 268
#note UNVEXT 2B
>LarrySherman: ACRZ H3 CZAR +32 298
>SkylerLutz: ?FNQTUU 3B QU.NT +28 296
#note My thought was try to play off some crap and get Larry to sacrifice a lot of points to block SQUINT since there is only one S unseen and I am holding the case blank.
>LarrySherman: IT 4A TI +14 312
>SkylerLutz: ?AEFOTU O1 OUTFArE. +92 388
>SkylerLutz: ?AEFOTU -- -92 296
#note Hallucinated
>LarrySherman: DEJ N6 JE.D +28 340
>SkylerLutz: ?AEFOTU F2 U. +4 300
#note I think I need a second line right? Larry can just block the L column then I'd be dead
>LarrySherman: BITT 1F BITT +23 363
>SkylerLutz: ?AEFORT L1 REFAcTO. +74 374
>SkylerLutz: ?AEFORT -- -74 300
#note I would have bet *significant* amounts of money this word was valid ... we use it in the software industry all. the. time. insane
>LarrySherman: FLUW 5H .WFUL +22 385
>SkylerLutz: ?AEFORT 2I OvERFAT +70 370
>SkylerLutz: (DEENOSU) +16 386
#note Lost on time but just goes to show these games are winnable despite a sloppy midgame
Player 2
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Prevent game from appearing in list of recently uploaded games?

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