Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Kenji_Matsumoto Kenji Matsumoto
#player2 Dustin_Dean Dustin Dean
>Kenji_Matsumoto: BORTZ H8 BORTZ +52 52
>Dustin_Dean: AEGOSUY G9 YOU +23 23
#note 8H (B)UOYAGES 95 is best, followed by 12G A(Z)YGOUS 40.
>Kenji_Matsumoto: ?DEGOOS I3 StOOGED +76 128
>Dustin_Dean: AEEGRSV 6H V.E +8 31
#note 8H (BE)VERAGE 42
>Kenji_Matsumoto: EFLU H1 FLUE +28 156
>Dustin_Dean: AEGIRST 1H .RIGATES +89 120
#note 4D AIGR(Et)TES 86 is second.
>Kenji_Matsumoto: HOO 2M OHO +26 182
>Dustin_Dean: ADDEMNO F10 MOD +26 146
#note 8H (BE)DAMNED 51
>Kenji_Matsumoto: BILU 12B BUIL. +16 198
>Dustin_Dean: AADELNP D7 PALAD.NE +62 208
>Dustin_Dean: AADELNP -- -62 146
>Kenji_Matsumoto: CIX M1 ..XIC +28 226
>Dustin_Dean: AADELNP 11F ...PLAN +18 164
#note 13A PANDA 29
>Kenji_Matsumoto: AII L10 I.IA +8 234
>Dustin_Dean: AADEHOV J9 HA.OED +27 191
#note J9 HA(L)VED 30
>Kenji_Matsumoto: DINW 13A WIND +27 261
>Dustin_Dean: AEIIJNV 14F JIVE. +32 223
>Kenji_Matsumoto: CTU B10 CU..T +30 291
>Dustin_Dean: AEIINRT 2A INERTIA. +70 293
>Kenji_Matsumoto: GMP A1 G.MP +36 327
>Dustin_Dean: EEKRRTW D1 K.EWE +34 327
#note 13I R(E)W(A)KE 31??? 13 R(E)T(A)KER 27??? 10L (I)RK 17???
>Kenji_Matsumoto: QS G13 Q.S +22 349
>Dustin_Dean: AAENRRT A13 .AR +20 347
#note WAR is not the answer. M12 NEAR 14??? 13I A(E)R(A)TE 17??? 4K NA(I)RA 12???
>Kenji_Matsumoto: ESTY M11 STYE +36 385
>Dustin_Dean: AEELNRT C2 .TERNAL +27 374
#note C2 (E)TERNE 25 keeps AL for last play.
>Kenji_Matsumoto: ?AAFNNR E5 FANNy +26 411
>Dustin_Dean: E 3L E. +9 383
>Dustin_Dean: (AR) +4 387
#note After a -10 time penalty, final score 411-377.
Player 2
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