Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 ZB ZB
#player2 J J
>ZB: AAEEEOS - +0 0
#note Ex. 4
>ZB: ACERX 8H CAREX +44 44
>J: EERSVWZ J8 .EZ +32 32
#note Forgot to shake the bag before I drew :(
>ZB: DW 9I W.D +23 67
>J: EORSSVW K3 SWERV.. +28 60
#note I felt like playing VOW(ED) without holding an A was a death sentence. Sim seems to like it though. Maybe Zach is more likely to have consonants after W(E)D?
>ZB: ET 7K .ET +16 83
>J: BGIOORS N4 GOBO +20 80
#note L1 BRIO or BROO are obviously better. However, this makes a sneaky VETOS* spot that Zach might not know is good, plus I am holding an I for the O4 spot.
>ZB: AGIR O1 RAGI +22 105
>J: BHINORS 4H BRO.N +26 106
#note Don't know why I didn't play L1 BRIO here though
>ZB: AINU 5E UNAI +12 117
>J: DEHIIOS 6E HOED +27 133
#note Weird turn that would've been a lot easier if I had seen H1 DHO(BI). My thinking it that I can handle the doubled I's since the board is closed and Zach probably won't score well. Also, I'm making an actually valid S hook fo rmy S. 6B HOISED is just a better version of that though since it undoubles the I's.
>ZB: EIV 2F VIE +16 210
>J: ?EFHNSU 4D UH +19 152
#note Sim likes N1 (E)H instead for some reason? Maybe I can hit some H8 (C)ONFUSED/R/S plays if I shed the H, which I considered but deemed too cute to actually pursue. This also creates another 7's lane for a D, which I liked
>ZB: J I7 J.. +21 231
>J: ?EFLNSS N1 .F +20 172
>ZB: KLLSUYY - +0 231
#note Ex. 5
>J: ?ELNSSY D6 SLYNESs +85 257
#note Moment of truth. I have to show Zach that VETOS* isn't a word since SELSYN(S) plays over there for 3 more.
>ZB: KLLOSUY H8 .OY +16 247
>J: GIILNUU 8A UGL. +24 281
#note Looks right. I want to keep the scoring pressure on and can't fear the 2nd blank.
>ZB: AKLT G9 TALK +24 271
>J: DEIINSU B8 .UID +8 289
#note Not good. E9 UNI is clearly better since it scores for and doesn't allow easy plays to the triple. I wanted to block a little bit of the right side, but that was incorrect here.
>ZB: ACDIR A11 ACRID +36 307
>J: EFIINOS H12 INFO +31 320
>ZB: ?AAEIMT 15C METAn.IA +60 367
#note Out of time to properly check endgames and I trakced incorrectly. Champ says I win 1/8 endgames with F14 P(A) and 12G(KI)P, and tie 1/8 endgames with J4 (O)P. I went to play my phony VETOS* bingos and see Zach's reaction. It was favorable, so I went with it.
>ZB: ELMOPQT 14J TEMPO +26 393
>J: O M13 O. +8 416
>J: (LQ) +22 438
Player 2
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