Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Sam_Masling Sam Masling
#player2 Connie_Creed Connie Creed
>Sam_Masling: ?EFJNTZ H7 FEZ +30 30
>Connie_Creed: AEKW I8 WAKE +29 29
>Sam_Masling: ?AEJNST 12C fANJETS +90 120
#note SE(R)JEANT !! I saw it but didn't think it was good
second best tied with JESsANT, SeJEANT, and TAJiNES w WAKES and WAKEN

>Connie_Creed: MO 13F OM +23 52
>Sam_Masling: ?EEHNOR 14A HoNOREE +89 209
#note Couldn't remember if tHEREON and wHEREON were good
better placement at 14B but same score as this
>Connie_Creed: ACE A12 AC.E +30 82
>Sam_Masling: ACEIILV E9 VAI. +14 223
#note I remember seeing that I was an i away from 2x2 CIVILIA(N) E5 and so I think that primed me to overestimate likelihood of a 2x2 to the N from connie

CIVIE or CAVIE J4 are both super fine here, VAIN is pretty mid
>Connie_Creed: IR 9G I..R +14 96
>Sam_Masling: ACEILPR J7 PE.IL +25 248
#note Thankfully talked myself out of CALIPRE*
13A (C)LIP is really nice but i still think this is better for taking out the izars hook
>Connie_Creed: AELTTT K2 TATTLE +16 112
>Sam_Masling: AACERSW 15C AWES +35 283
#note was not sure if EME took the S so took out the spot this way
>Connie_Creed: DEY K11 DYE +22 134
>Sam_Masling: ACGLORU G3 GUACO +17 300
#note omg GUAR(ACHE)

>Connie_Creed: BIOT H1 OBIT +27 161
>Sam_Masling: AFLORRR L1 FORA +30 330
#note Missed the (GI)F hook so FAR and FARL there looking better

>Connie_Creed: AEG M1 AGE +23 184
>Sam_Masling: DDLORRY 14J ODDLY +33 363
>Connie_Creed: DINNRTU 1L ..IN +21 205
>Sam_Masling: BDILRRS M10 BRIL. +14 377
#note maybe should just play BRR 15H to block any X bombs
(TATTLE)RS is nice
>Connie_Creed: OVX 15H VOX +48 253
>Sam_Masling: DIOPRST I1 POD +23 400
#note PIST(ACHE)
and oops DIP same spot for 2 more
>Connie_Creed: GIINQSU 5E QU.SI +35 288
>Sam_Masling: HIIRSTU 6C TUI +14 414
>Connie_Creed: EGMNNRU 15N EM +17 305
>Sam_Masling: GHIRS C3 GIR.HS +28 442
>Sam_Masling: (NNNRU) +10 452
Player 2
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