Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Dustin_Dean Dustin Dean
#player2 Peter_Schwartzman Peter Schwartzman
>Dustin_Dean: AGIMOOW H8 MIAOW +28 28
#note best
>Peter_Schwartzman: IQ I7 QI +25 25
>Dustin_Dean: AAFGLOO G10 ALOOF +18 46
#note best
>Peter_Schwartzman: EEW I11 WEE +19 44
>Dustin_Dean: AGJOOOT F13 JOG +29 75
#note best
>Peter_Schwartzman: AY 15D YA. +11 55
>Dustin_Dean: AENOOTT 14B TOO +11 86
#note best
>Peter_Schwartzman: DHU 13A DUH +26 81
>Dustin_Dean: AEGINRT A6 GRATINE. +83 169
#note 14I TEARING/TANGIER 77 are the only valid bingoes.
>Peter_Schwartzman: DEO B9 ODE +19 100
>Dustin_Dean: LNRTUUV C6 VULN +13 182
#note J8 LUV 19 is best, followed by VULN which has some defensive upside.
>Peter_Schwartzman: AF H14 FA +24 124
>Dustin_Dean: INPRTUX J6 PIX +41 223
#note best
>Peter_Schwartzman: BEHR F7 HERB +26 150
>Dustin_Dean: DEINRTU E2 UNTRIED +74 297
#note I saw K8 TURDINE 79, but taking out the E lane was appealing. E3 INTRUDE 76 does this better.
>Peter_Schwartzman: EEEEISU -EEIU +0 150
#note actual rack unknown
>Dustin_Dean: CEEELNR F2 NEE +13 310
#note 4B LEC(T)ERN 20 or K3 CERE 16
>Peter_Schwartzman: EEGIN 6J .EEING +11 161
>Dustin_Dean: ?CEILRT K8 TIERCeL +79 389
#note 15H (A)RTICLEs/(A)RTICLEd for 86
>Peter_Schwartzman: ABDLNR L1 BLAND.R +26 187
>Dustin_Dean: ?AISTUV 2L .UV +12 401
#note 2K U(L)VA scores 2 more than (L)UV and jettisons the A with AA among the 16 unseen tiles. Champ likes 2I VAU(L)TS 22 or O4 VA(G)US 39, playing off the S with SSS unseen.
>Peter_Schwartzman: PZ 3K Z.P +36 223
>Dustin_Dean: ?AAISST O1 AS +13 414
#note 15K SATIS 27 ??? 4J SA(N)S 20 ???
>Peter_Schwartzman: AM 12C MA +16 239
>Dustin_Dean: ?AIOSST O4 Or.IASTS +77 491
#note A(G)OnISTS is another option, also scoring 77
>Peter_Schwartzman: CEIKRTY 1F KYTE +41 280
>Dustin_Dean: S 11F S... +17 508
#note I11 (WEE)S also scores 17
>Dustin_Dean: (CIR) +10 518
Player 2
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