Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Eric_Harshbarger Eric Harshbarger
#player2 Dustin_Dean Dustin Dean
>Eric_Harshbarger: DEGNRUV 8G VUG +14 14
>Dustin_Dean: AAENRST I4 TANA.ERS +61 61
#note J8 SANTERA 69, G6 TA(V)ERNAS 64, G3 TSARE(V)NA 64 are the other bingoes.
>Eric_Harshbarger: DEINORV H11 OVINE +38 52
>Dustin_Dean: AEFILOT H1 FOLIA +32 93
#note 11E FLO(OS)IE 40 or 5E FOLI(A)TE 40.
>Eric_Harshbarger: DGNRRRU 9I .RR +3 55
>Dustin_Dean: AEHIPTT G13 HAT +23 116
#note 2E THI(O)TEPA 73. G13 HIT is second.
>Eric_Harshbarger: DGNRU 2F GR.UND +14 69
>Dustin_Dean: DEGIIPT K8 P.IG +14 130
#note K5 TIDE(R)IP 40 or 11E DEP(OS)IT 40. I13 PIG 27 is next.
>Eric_Harshbarger: ENNY 8K .ENNY +33 102
>Dustin_Dean: DEIOSTX 1K OXIDE +66 196
#note best
>Eric_Harshbarger: ALW F12 LAW +34 136
>Dustin_Dean: ?AEESTT E6 tESTATE +64 260
#note E1 cASETTE or E1 TAgETES for 71. M6 TE(N)TAgES for 68 is another option.
>Eric_Harshbarger: ADEI 8A AIDE. +21 157
>Dustin_Dean: ?BEILOR C5 ERO.IBLe +62 322
#note A1 BOrRELI(A) 80
>Eric_Harshbarger: EJLO D3 JOLE +26 183
>Dustin_Dean: CFIPSTY N6 PI.Y +15 337
#note 12K SPICY 40
>Eric_Harshbarger: AI 3C A.I +20 203
>Dustin_Dean: CFHMOST B1 FOH +32 369
#note 12K SCHMO 34
>Eric_Harshbarger: DI A1 ID +27 230
>Dustin_Dean: CMOST B12 MOC +17 386
#note 2M TOM 22
>Eric_Harshbarger: QU 4F QU.. +13 243
>Dustin_Dean: EKSSTUW 15A SKEW +57 443
#note best
>Eric_Harshbarger: ACEORTZ M3 ZERO +30 273
>Dustin_Dean: BEMNSTU 12K SNUB +20 463
#note 12K SEBUM 32
>Eric_Harshbarger: ACT N3 AT +15 288
>Dustin_Dean: EMT 13M MET +22 485
#note L4 MET 27
>Dustin_Dean: (C) +6 491
#note 2 point underscore for Eric. -20 time penalty for me and 1 point underscore for SKEW. Score submitted as 470-286.
Player 2
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