Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Beth_Mix Beth Mix
#player2 Evan_Chester Evan Chester
>Beth_Mix: ?DDIMOO 8G MODI +14 14
#note Thanks again to Beth for sharing her full racks. There actually is a bingo here of DODOIsM!
>Evan_Chester: EGGNORV 7F VOG +16 16
#note Best
>Beth_Mix: ?DIIOTU I8 .UI +5 19
>Evan_Chester: BCEGNNR 10G BR.NG +10 26
#note Meh play. Options like 9H BUNG and 10F BENIGN are much better
>Beth_Mix: ?ADINOT 6H ANThOID +67 86
#note 1 less than 11A bANDITO/pINTADO but is easily worth it for position
>Evan_Chester: CEGMNTX M5 M.XT +21 47
#note M3 XENIC and M5 CIMEX. I swear I'll have my power 5s learned before Atlantic City
>Beth_Mix: AEFNOYZ 11D FOZY +45 131
>Evan_Chester: CEEGNNR 12C GEN +20 67
#note 12A GREEN keeps worse but scores 8 more and turns over more tiles and is therefore worth. GEN is 2nd
>Beth_Mix: AAEEINY 13D YEA +18 149
>Evan_Chester: CEEENPR N2 CREE. +20 87
#note Mediocre option. The best is M2 PREMIXT!
>Beth_Mix: AEEILNW 8M .AW +18 167
>Evan_Chester: EJKLNPT 3L JE.K +30 117
#note Best
>Beth_Mix: AAEEILN L2 A.I +20 187
#note The hook set up here will become relevant later
>Evan_Chester: ABDLNPT 14F BLAND +28 145
#note Best
>Beth_Mix: EEEHLNP 15H HEEL +41 228
>Evan_Chester: ?AEIPQT 4K Q. +11 156
#note Best
>Beth_Mix: AAELNPR F5 LA. +8 236
#note This play blocks SAGO, but there is actually a bingo available of O8 WARPLANE!
>Evan_Chester: ?AEILPT E4 LAP +18 174
#note Missed 12G EPILATe. Should not happen. 2E sTAPELIA is also available but I only learned that word after I got home from Albany
>Beth_Mix: AEENPRV D1 VAPE +30 266
>Evan_Chester: ?DEISTU N8 .UDIEnTS +74 248
#note Best bingo is O8 WIDEoUTS, which I could have found if I looked hard enough. DUSTIEr and DUElIST also play for 80 at C2
>Beth_Mix: EEINNRR 1A NER.E +24 290
>Evan_Chester: CEOORSS 3B CO. +14 262
#note The goal of this play was to set up my 2 Ss and threaten big plays on the A column. Without the last S, dealing with this spot is tough
>Beth_Mix: IINRSTU A1 .U +2 292
#note Big point sacrafice to block SCOP, which is why I like that play
>Evan_Chester: EIOORSS O14 OI +14 276
#note Best equity play, but the best simming play is the stylish 5B OORALIS, setting up the front W hook! Beth didn't have the W or H at this point and turning over 5 tiles gives me a great shot at pulling either of those tiles, which could get me into a winning position after OORALIS. That's very hard to find though
>Beth_Mix: IIINRST K10 .RIT +10 302
#note 15A IRITIS is a cool word, never seen that before
>Evan_Chester: AEFORSS L12 FA +22 298
#note Champ says L12 FOES has the best win% but that empties the bag and if Beth has the H, she can almost definitely play out in 2 with a HAJI play and outrun me. Open to suggestions about this position
>Beth_Mix: HIINSTT 6C NI.. +6 308
#note The only threat from the C is COURSERS.
>Evan_Chester: EOORSSU 2D .ROUSES +13 311
#note There is only play here that actually wins 100%, and that is 1M USE, hooking SCREED. Not knowing SCREED was a word, I was never finding this play and in theory, should lose here every time, and I thought I was completely sunk in this position. If the top of the board is left alone, I assumed her best scoring play was SWITH for 63, which I knew I had to address. A play like AROUSES takes out that threat and in theory cuts my spread loss and allows me to go out next turn with just an O. Knowing now that a play like 1L WHIST for 72 exists, this play really does not accomplish that goal, but for not knowing SCREED was a word, this play did what I thought I wanted it to. It doesn't fully address HAJI plays though. WITH instead on SWITH would have scored enough to easily outrun my best outs. I don't think AROUSES ever wins, but without knowing SCREED, I don't think I was wrong to assess this as a lost position. However, what happens next is not something I ever expected
>Beth_Mix: HIRSTTW 15B WHITS +17 325
#note Beth missed HAJI! I was shocked to see this play come down. In addition to not seeing the hook (or winning plays under AROUSES like 3F WHIT), Beth made a math error a few turns earlier and thought she had 10 more points than she actually did, leading her to think WHITS would win by 10 instead of tying like it does in reality.
>Evan_Chester: O B14 O. +10 321
#note Best out, and my only play that ties. This was my first ever tournament tie, and I am extremely lucky to have gotten it after I played not that great. Missing EPILATe and WIDEOUTs should not happen. Lesson of this game is to learn more words. If I had known any of XENIC, PREMIXT, or SCREED, My position could have improved significantly.
>Evan_Chester: (RT) +4 325
Player 2
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