Player 1 |
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Patrick_Beatrez Patrick Beatrez
#player2 Dustin_Dean Dustin Dean
>Patrick_Beatrez: AEJNPUY H7 JAY +26 26
>Dustin_Dean: EFIOSVX I6 VOX +33 33
#note I6 FOX 33
>Patrick_Beatrez: EGNPU J7 GENU +28 54
>Dustin_Dean: EFIKLNS 10C KNIFES +35 68
#note K3 FILKS 36
>Patrick_Beatrez: ADOP K8 DOPA +32 86
>Dustin_Dean: EEILOSU L11 LIEU +10 78
#note I considered L11 LOUIE, but decided on the less risky LIEU instead, which sets up my S.
>Patrick_Beatrez: AMQU E8 UM.AQ +32 118
>Dustin_Dean: BENOOST 15G BOONEST +86 164
#note M7 BOONEST for 1 less ???
>Patrick_Beatrez: CEIOPR - +0 118
>Dustin_Dean: ABEINRT 11K ..B +5 169
#note 9G B(Y) 17
>Patrick_Beatrez: CEIOPR C7 POC.IER +42 160
>Dustin_Dean: AEINORT 9G O. +9 178
#note best
>Patrick_Beatrez: EEGO D4 OGEE +14 174
>Dustin_Dean: ?AEINRT 13F RETAIN.d +68 246
#note 13E sTEARIN(E) and 13C (R)EsTRAIN hook UMIAQ and score 75.
>Patrick_Beatrez: AI F10 .AI. +20 194
>Dustin_Dean: DDHINST E4 HID +28 274
#note DID for 6 less in the same spot is best.
>Patrick_Beatrez: AELO F2 ALOE +16 210
>Dustin_Dean: ADEINST N5 NIDATES +68 342
#note Despite scoring 10 less, N6 INSTEAD 68 is favored over B2 INSTEAD 78 which sets up (A)DO plays for 3W, which is worth noting given what's to come. NIDATES is third, however....
>Patrick_Beatrez: EMW O8 MEW +43 253
>Dustin_Dean: AILRTTU M2 TITULAR +79 421
>Patrick_Beatrez: D 8B D. +3 256
#note nice setup
>Dustin_Dean: GHLNTVZ 2E V.NG +8 429
#note 3K GL(I)TZ 15 and 2D TH(A)NG 9 are other options. 3K TH(I)NG sets up possible 3W ZIG. 8E (U)NV(AXED) scores 24 but keeps GHLTZ.
>Patrick_Beatrez: W 8G W.... +22 278
>Dustin_Dean: CFHLRTZ 3K FR.Z +16 445
#note 3K FR(I)TZ 17 gets rid of the T also. Here we go....
>Patrick_Beatrez: ?AEIRRS A7 tARRIES +83 361
#note Lots of options score 83.
>Patrick_Beatrez: (CHLTY) +26 387
#note Had I tried to block with 11A CH(I), Patrick has A8 AIR(C)REWS for152, plus 42 for my FLRTYZ, giving him a 472-437 win. Similarly, trying to block with 12A TH(E) gives him ARBI(T)ERS for 125 which, after adding 46 for my CFLRYZ, results in a 449-436 victory for him. On the other hand, blocking with 12B F(E) does not yield a triple-triple obviously, but it makes for a smaller margin of victory for me, as he still bingoes out for 83, and then gets 48 for CHLRTZ to lose 409-436, instead of 387-445 after FR(I)Z.