Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Dustin_Dean Dustin Dean
#player2 Eric_Goldstein Eric Goldstein
>Dustin_Dean: AEEOQRR -EOQR +0 0
>Eric_Goldstein: DJOSU 8D JUDOS +42 42
>Dustin_Dean: AEGHLRV E7 V.LGAR +20 20
#note 7G HAVE, HAG, or HAVER
>Eric_Goldstein: DEMOV 7G MOVED +27 69
>Dustin_Dean: EEFHIIU 6J FIE +30 50
#note 6J HIE 30
>Eric_Goldstein: FGO 5K FOG +30 99
>Dustin_Dean: EHILNNU M2 HUN. +16 66
#note best
>Eric_Goldstein: ADEEMOR 9A REMO.ADE +89 188
>Dustin_Dean: CEIKLNN A8 C.INKLE +54 120
#note B8 N(E)CKLINE 90. C(R)INKLE is best after the bingo.
>Eric_Goldstein: EORX D12 OXER +28 216
>Dustin_Dean: ?AABCNU 15A sCA.AB +66 186
#note 15B Ca(R)NAUBA 83 is best. C12 CAB 41 and NAB 35, keeping the blank, are next, ahead of sCA(R)AB.
>Eric_Goldstein: AEG C11 AGE +30 246
>Dustin_Dean: AEINRRU F13 RU. +7 193
#note L1 RUN 11 is best, followed by 15A (sCARAB)AEI 36 and F13 UR(B) 7.
>Eric_Goldstein: BEINS N1 BINES +36 282
>Dustin_Dean: AEINOPR O1 OP +32 225
>Eric_Goldstein: ?AQTWWY -QWWY +0 282
#note actual rack unknown
>Dustin_Dean: AEEINRY G11 AYE +10 235
#note After 15A (sCARAB)AEI, J6 (FE)YER 14 is best, followed by 11E (A)YE 9.
>Eric_Goldstein: ?AILNOT 13F ..LATIONs +68 350
>Dustin_Dean: AEINRSW 2L W... +12 247
#note N7 WARINE(s)S 74
>Eric_Goldstein: ETY 12K TYE +26 376
>Dustin_Dean: AEILNRS N7 RAINLE.S +75 322
>Eric_Goldstein: PZ 8M Z.P +42 418
>Dustin_Dean: HIIRSTU O14 HI +20 342
#note J13 (T)UI 5
>Eric_Goldstein: AW H13 .AW +18 436
>Dustin_Dean: IIORSTU 1I TRIO +11 353
#note J13 (T)I 4
>Eric_Goldstein: DEINTTT I12 D.TE +12 448
>Dustin_Dean: IQSU 10H SUQ +36 389
>Eric_Goldstein: INTT J10 .I +11 459
>Dustin_Dean: I 11N .I +2 391
>Dustin_Dean: (TNT) +6 397
#note Score submitted as 459-351 after 6 point underscore (CRINKLE) and -40 time penalty for me, and 5 point underscore for Eric (FOG -2, LAW -3).
Player 2
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