Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Jason_Vaysberg Jason Vaysberg
#player2 Robert_Desimone Robert Desimone
>Jason_Vaysberg: ?DDDEOU 8F DUO +8 8
#note 8G DUDE setting up DUDED. Didn't know that word.

Robert told me after the game that my placement of the U scared him of potential X plays.
>Robert_Desimone: AOT 9E OAT +10 10
>Jason_Vaysberg: ?ACDDEI D6 CADDIEs +79 87
#note Best on sim. 1 more point from 10F bingos like DECIDuA
>Robert_Desimone: AES 10F SEA +14 24
#note This play confused me a bit ngl
>Jason_Vaysberg: AHINNNR E11 HIN +23 110
#note 8A HAND sims best. idk how I feel about that after SEA.
>Robert_Desimone: AAB F12 BAA +13 37
>Jason_Vaysberg: ADNNRRT 14E D.RN +13 123
#note 14B RANDAN or H10 ARRANT
>Robert_Desimone: IJS H12 JI.S +57 94
>Jason_Vaysberg: AGNNRTZ C7 ZA +45 168
>Robert_Desimone: BCEIPQW 12H .IRAM +28 122
>Robert_Desimone: BCEIPQW -- -28 94
>Jason_Vaysberg: EGLNNRT G6 GL...N +8 176
#note 8A GLAD sims slightly better, likely because I can draw to -ING bingos. My play ranks 2nd when accounting for Robert having AIMR, I kind of like my play regardless, both for defense and to shed another cons.
>Robert_Desimone: AR 12H .AR +10 104
>Jason_Vaysberg: EEILNRT 15H .ILENTER +77 253
#note best
>Robert_Desimone: ARV N12 RAV. +14 118
#note Robert still has IM
>Jason_Vaysberg: AGMORUU 12L GU.U +12 265
#note best
>Robert_Desimone: HM 13M H.M +30 148
>Jason_Vaysberg: AILMORY C10 OY +16 281
#note O8 AMYLUM
>Robert_Desimone: EWY 11I YEW +25 173
>Jason_Vaysberg: AILMOPR B8 MOP +30 311
#note best
>Robert_Desimone: IO 10K OI +7 180
>Jason_Vaysberg: ACEIKLR J8 ICK.. +38 349
#note O8 KALIUM
>Robert_Desimone: EIILNST K2 LINIEST +66 246
>Jason_Vaysberg: AEELPRW J5 AW +28 377
#note 4H PAWNEE
>Robert_Desimone: GOTU 9L GOUT +9 255
>Jason_Vaysberg: EELOPRS 10N PE +22 399
#note O4 REPLOT
>Robert_Desimone: ?EFOTVX 2J F.EX +22 277
>Jason_Vaysberg: EELORST 2J ....OR +32 431
#note 1L TELE is best.
>Robert_Desimone: ?EFIQ 1F FIQuE +53 330
>Jason_Vaysberg: BEELNST 1L BENE +51 482
#note best
>Robert_Desimone: EORTV O7 VO.. +21 351
#note 2B TROVE
>Jason_Vaysberg: LST 6J ..LTS +10 492
#note best

And with this I win div 2 of the early bird!
>Jason_Vaysberg: (ERT) +6 498
Player 2
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