Player 1 |
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#player1 Jason_Vaysberg Jason Vaysberg
#player2 Vera_Bigall Vera Bigall
>Jason_Vaysberg: FHIMRYZ 8F FRIZ +32 32
#note best
>Vera_Bigall: BMOO 7E BOOM +21 21
>Jason_Vaysberg: AEEHMRY 9G ERA +26 58
#note Debated this or 9H MAY, but didn't have any of the many back hooks.
ERA gives me 6 row plays with EMIR too. Q approves
>Vera_Bigall: IX 10I XI +30 51
>Jason_Vaysberg: EHLMNPY 6G YELP +28 86
#note best
>Vera_Bigall: RU E5 RU. +10 61
>Jason_Vaysberg: AAEEHMN D3 HAEM +24 110
#note very close between this and AHEM in same spot
>Vera_Bigall: ??INORT 3C T.ORNIer +70 131
#note sHORTINg in same spot for 72
>Jason_Vaysberg: AAAEGNP 2G APNEA +19 129
#note 2H APANAGE for 82. Didn't know that word.
PEAG 2E is best of non-bingo options.
>Vera_Bigall: ELOSV 1K LOVES +29 160
>Jason_Vaysberg: AGIISTY C5 YAGI +21 150
#note Q likes YAG in same place. I hate the duplicated I in my leave though.
>Vera_Bigall: TTW 8A TW.T +24 184
>Jason_Vaysberg: DIILNST B8 .ILD +10 160
#note Not much to do here. WILD is 3rd best, behind LID 1E and VID M1, it's close though
>Vera_Bigall: AEEKL M1 .AKEEL +26 210
#note nice play by Vera here
>Jason_Vaysberg: HINSSTW K8 WISH +30 190
#note I thought the WISHA hook might be easy to miss. K7 WHIST sims best though.
>Vera_Bigall: CDU 4K CU.D +14 224
>Jason_Vaysberg: ADEENST 12B STANDEE +77 267
#note The 12I placement for 2 more points doesn't feel worth it. Q agrees.
>Vera_Bigall: CE H1 E..C +33 257
>Jason_Vaysberg: AEQRRTU 12K AR +15 282
#note EPIC blocked 1A QUARTER.
Lots of Q-plays seem to sim better, such as 1D QUATE, E9 QUANT and an odd one of 12J QAT retaining the U.
>Vera_Bigall: FOO 13E OOF +24 281
>Jason_Vaysberg: EJNQRTU 14B QUERN +41 323
#note best
>Vera_Bigall: BINT 15A BINT +37 318
>Jason_Vaysberg: DJOOTUV J12 JUDO +26 349
#note One of several plays that wins 5/8, but this one is best on spread. Not that I had all this figured out to that level of detail. I actually thought this won 7/8 in the moment, too.
>Vera_Bigall: AEGGIIS M9 GIES +18 336
#note Tricky spot, but there were a few winning sequences here for Vera. 7M SI setting up AGGIE in the O column is the most straightforward.
>Jason_Vaysberg: NOTV 1E VOT. +10 359
#note best and only winning play
>Vera_Bigall: AGI 15G AGI. +15 351
#note N1 EGAD, but this is just 1 spread point behind
>Vera_Bigall: (N) +2 353