Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Jason_Vaysberg Jason Vaysberg
#player2 Michael_Ecsedy Michael Ecsedy
>Jason_Vaysberg: EEITUWX 8G XU +18 18
#note best
>Michael_Ecsedy: FOY G6 FO.Y +22 22
>Jason_Vaysberg: DEEITUW F6 EW +19 37
#note best
>Michael_Ecsedy: ILWY 5C WILY +29 51
>Jason_Vaysberg: ADEITTU 4A DUET +23 60
#note best
>Michael_Ecsedy: ?CEKLST E7 TiCKLES +80 131
>Jason_Vaysberg: AIIOSTV A4 .IVOT +27 87
#note tied best with A1 VOID
>Michael_Ecsedy: ?ABELOS B8 ALBEdOS +80 211
>Jason_Vaysberg: AFINOSS A11 FINOS +38 125
#note best, I'm actually playing really well so far
>Michael_Ecsedy: EHR C13 HER +27 238
>Jason_Vaysberg: AABCDES B2 EA. +6 131
#note Stuff like D11 AB when I'm down over 100 points just seems wrong. I know this setup is difficult to block, and Michael won't be able to score a lot in the process. But I'm actually more hoping he makes a mistake here and doesn't block.

The only problem is after this play, I was so fixated on what he might do, I overdrew and lost my valuable S tile. This is the first time I've done this in quite a long time (played the wrong letters later this tournament in a similar situation) I was not likely to win either game, but I sure did myself no favors in maintaining any chance.
>Michael_Ecsedy: IO F9 OI +20 258
>Jason_Vaysberg: AABCDTU 1A ABDUCT +42 173
#note Had to decide to play this at either 1A or H1. Sim likes H1 very slightly better.
>Michael_Ecsedy: OR 1A ......OR +39 297
>Jason_Vaysberg: AEIINRV 15C .AVINE +30 203
#note Plays along C8 like VAIN or VAIR are better.
>Michael_Ecsedy: GNU 14F GUN +19 316
>Jason_Vaysberg: DEIIJNR 12D J.RID +30 233
#note C3 REWIND or DEWIER which I was blind to
>Michael_Ecsedy: ADER 2G READ +13 329
>Jason_Vaysberg: AEGIINR J2 .EAIRING +62 295
>Michael_Ecsedy: AHSTT 3H TH.TAS +38 367
>Jason_Vaysberg: AAEMNPQ 7I Q. +21 316
#note best
>Michael_Ecsedy: EIPR C8 PIER +25 392
#note was very surprised to see the bag get emptied here
>Jason_Vaysberg: AAEEMNP L2 P.NAMA +20 336
#note L2 PEA is best. Sets up 2 15 point out plays with O2 PEAN/NAME and 11H AMEN.

If he plays GONZO, then I underlap AMEN. His best move therefore is 1K ZOOM, to which I grab my 15 and out and net 4 spread points over the PANAMA sequence I chose.
>Michael_Ecsedy: GLMNOOZ 11G GONZO +36 428
>Jason_Vaysberg: EE 6A .EE +14 350
#note Frustrating game, but I'm generally happy with how I played other than the overdraw.
>Jason_Vaysberg: (LM) +8 358
Player 2
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