Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Emmett_Brosowsky Emmett Brosowsky
#player2 Barry_Keith Barry Keith
>Emmett_Brosowsky: ?AJLPRT H7 RAJ +20 20
#note 8G JARL was not even in mind at all wtf #findingsad
>Barry_Keith: AEGILST 10E LIGATES +73 73
>Emmett_Brosowsky: ?ALNPTV 11D VAN +18 38
#note F7 ANV(I)LToP is really difficult but I should find it because I know it. #findingsaddest
>Barry_Keith: BFI 11J FIB +25 98
>Emmett_Brosowsky: ?ALLPTZ 12K PALL +25 63
>Barry_Keith: ASTVY O8 VASTY +59 157
>Emmett_Brosowsky: CMRSTZ 8F CR.M +8 71
#note Thought creating two new S hooks and keeping the Z might be good; I was wrong just play CZAR #tacticssad
>Barry_Keith: KOP J6 KOP +30 187
>Emmett_Brosowsky: ?ILQSTZ K5 QI +28 99
>Barry_Keith: ADEI L4 AIDE +29 216
>Emmett_Brosowsky: ?GLMRTZ -GLMZ +0 99
>Barry_Keith: BNU M7 NUB +12 228
>Emmett_Brosowsky: ?AGHRRT M2 HAG +17 116
#note M1 ARGH just play it don't get fancy #tacticssadder
>Barry_Keith: CEOR N1 CERO +28 256
>Emmett_Brosowsky: ?EEORRT G1 RETORtE. +62 178
>Barry_Keith: DDU F2 DUD +21 277
>Emmett_Brosowsky: EEEEOTX H1 EX +44 222
>Barry_Keith: ADMNORS 13E RANDOMS +68 345
>Emmett_Brosowsky: EEENOTY 14B TONEY +47 269
>Barry_Keith: EFIW 15A WIFE +43 388
>Emmett_Brosowsky: EEIIIOZ -EIIO +0 269
#note Play 2F (DEX)IE #findingsadder
>Barry_Keith: HU H13 .UH +21 409
>Emmett_Brosowsky: EGINOTZ 5E ZE.O +32 301
>Barry_Keith: ?EELOST 15H .OSTELEr +83 492
>Emmett_Brosowsky: GIINOTW 2D IN... +13 314
#note BEST PLAY maybe I can play endgames actually
>Barry_Keith: AEIINU 1B UNAI +10 502
>Emmett_Brosowsky: GIOTW O4 GIT +14 328
>Barry_Keith: EI J13 .E. +7 509
>Emmett_Brosowsky: OW 14N WO +21 349
>Emmett_Brosowsky: (I) +2 351
#note 8/15 best moves, not the worst game ever. Good takeaways: I played an optimal endgame sequence. Bad takeaways: I had some pretty iffy equity mistakes and missed a bingo.
Player 2
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