Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Emmett_Brosowsky Emmett Brosowsky
#player2 Benjamin_Bloom Benjamin Bloom
>Emmett_Brosowsky: DEFOTTX H4 FOXED +40 40
#note Content play is lowkey good but I should play the DETOXING content play #visionsad ##equity
>Benjamin_Bloom: AAGMM G7 MAGMA +25 25
>Emmett_Brosowsky: OPRSTTU H1 OUT..... +57 97
#note Saw 5D OUTP(O)RTS but didn't know the word #knowledgesaddest
>Benjamin_Bloom: DEIKL H11 LIKED +35 60
>Emmett_Brosowsky: ?PRRSTW 14F TW.RP +18 115
>Benjamin_Bloom: EJNY 5E ENJ.Y +30 90
>Emmett_Brosowsky: ?GNRRSU E4 R.StRUNG +66 181
>Benjamin_Bloom: AILNNTU 1B LUNATI.N +59 149
>Emmett_Brosowsky: ?ADEEHR J5 sHEARED +85 266
#note Sims best duh
>Benjamin_Bloom: DEISV 8J .DVISE +42 191
>Emmett_Brosowsky: ALOSSVY K10 SAVOY +44 310
#note O5 SAV(E)LOYS #knowledgesaddest but still happy with this spot. The gap becomes pretty close on sim also because I have the case S.
>Benjamin_Bloom: IQ 7M QI +44 235
>Emmett_Brosowsky: BELLOSW 15K SWELL +48 358
>Benjamin_Bloom: EH 6N HE +27 262
>Emmett_Brosowsky: ABEEFOO 15D BOOE. +18 376
#note N10 BEFOO(L) #knowledgesaddest
>Benjamin_Bloom: AO 13G O.A +19 281
>Emmett_Brosowsky: ACEFIOR O1 FIACR. +42 418
>Benjamin_Bloom: EENU 12K .ENUE +18 299
>Emmett_Brosowsky: CEIOPRZ M10 ZI.C +30 448
#note 6B ZIP(S) weird oversight #visionsad
>Benjamin_Bloom: AGOT 8A GATO. +21 320
>Emmett_Brosowsky: EINOPRT B8 .TROPINE +74 522
>Emmett_Brosowsky: (ABIIT) +14 536
Player 2
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