Player 1 |
#player1 Joey_Mallick Joey Mallick
#player2 Emmett_Brosowsky Emmett Brosowsky
>Joey_Mallick: ACEIPSS 8G PIC +14 14
#note JM: Couldn't make up my mind whether to play or exchange. In the end, I figured I would get double-double access with an S no matter how he hooked this, and if he couldn't, it was hard to score much.
EB: Joey spent quite a while (3ish minutes) on this turn which was quite surprising, he later told me he was looking for a natural 7 in a dead rack and that he felt "off" at that point in the tourney. Of course, Joey's "off" is better than my absolute peak.
>Emmett_Brosowsky: BEGKLMR F7 MERK +28 28
>Joey_Mallick: AEELRSS 11D RESALES +75 89
>Emmett_Brosowsky: BDGILRS 6B BRIGS +30 58
>Joey_Mallick: EEIJNTU 12A JUTE +42 131
>Emmett_Brosowsky: DEEHLOY A12 .OEY +42 100
#note EB: Lol after I played this Joey flipped over his own EOY and showed them to me.
JM: How dare he beat me to it.
>Joey_Mallick: AEINOOY H11 .OOEY +27 158
#note At least I get to play someone else's name.
>Emmett_Brosowsky: ?ADEHHL B14 HA +25 125
#note I was so sad that I hadn't a D or N for HANDHELD that I misevaluated 13A (O)HED #tacticssad ##equity
>Joey_Mallick: AABIINT 10H BAIT +25 183
>Emmett_Brosowsky: ?DEFHLV 13G H.VEL +19 144
#note 14G H(E)LVED is slightly better #knowledgesmall
>Joey_Mallick: AEINNNP D3 PAN.NI +18 201
#note Quackle doesn't like this point sac that much actually
>Emmett_Brosowsky: ?DEEFOT 14J FOE +29 173
#note Tilted after blocked DEFOREST but not that much. This is equity but I should probably be more careful and play C1 FEOD or 13G (HOVEL)ED #strategysad
>Joey_Mallick: EELNRTW 15L WELT +42 243
>Emmett_Brosowsky: ?CDEGMT 8A CED. +21 194
#note Now I should definitely play 13G (HOVEL)ED #visionsadder
>Joey_Mallick: ENOORTZ C2 ZONE. +40 283
>Emmett_Brosowsky: ?AGILMT 2A TI. +24 218
>Joey_Mallick: DNORTUU 1A UT +14 297
>Emmett_Brosowsky: ?AFGILM E2 FAG +16 234
#note Everything is super close here but maybe I should just eat the G and take the extra points with E2 FAM
>Joey_Mallick: DINOQRU N10 QUINO. +70 367
>Emmett_Brosowsky: ?ILMNOR O8 MOI +26 260
#note 2E (F)ORMaLIN missed bing I know this one but didn't look hard enough #findingsaddest
>Joey_Mallick: DDDGNRT 12L GR.D +16 383
>Emmett_Brosowsky: ?IILNRX 13D XI +19 279
#note 14D NIXI(E) take equity #tacticssad, at least I played the right XI
>Joey_Mallick: ADRW 9J WARD +18 401
>Emmett_Brosowsky: ?AILNRS 14F LI. +10 289
#note L2 SNARLIe(R) or 2E (F)ANgIRLS yikes #findingsadder thanks blank for making me not punt that much equity
>Joey_Mallick: ?ADENTU L3 DAUNTE.s +74 475
#note FLAUNTED is the only other bingo, and it blocks any bingo he could have, which this didn't accomplish.
>Emmett_Brosowsky: ?AANRSV 3G VeRAN.AS +82 371
#note It was an honor to play Joey, hopefully for the first time of many. 6/13 correct moves + a few more close seconds. The missed blank bingos are dragging me down this tourney.
>Emmett_Brosowsky: (O) +2 373 |