Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Karl_Higby Karl Higby
#player2 Jason_Vaysberg Jason Vaysberg
>Karl_Higby: III -III +0 0
#note I had some really detailed commentary for the beginning of this game, which is one of the most interesting I've played, but after well over an hour going over it, the Quackle file got overwritten when it didn't like the formatting of exchanges, and so I'm too lazy to re go through all this analysis again, but this is still one of the most interesting starts of a game in recent memory.
>Jason_Vaysberg: DEGGKNX 8G KEX +28 28
>Karl_Higby: CHI 9H HIC +24 24
>Jason_Vaysberg: DEEFGGN H7 F.. +9 37
>Karl_Higby: ET I7 E..T +18 42
>Jason_Vaysberg: DDEEGGN -GEND +0 37
>Karl_Higby: II -II +0 42
>Jason_Vaysberg: DEENPPQ -EPPQ +0 37
>Karl_Higby: II -II +0 42
>Jason_Vaysberg: DEFNRSW 7H ..W +9 46
>Karl_Higby: II -II +0 42
>Jason_Vaysberg: DEFINRS 11C FINDERS +84 130
>Karl_Higby: ABEENRT E8 BAN.ERET +60 102
>Jason_Vaysberg: ACDEPRT 14A CARP.TED +80 210
>Karl_Higby: ITZ 13G TIZ +29 131
>Jason_Vaysberg: ADGHIUU A11 GAU.H +36 246
>Karl_Higby: AALSSUV - +0 131
#note Karl challenged here.
>Jason_Vaysberg: DINOSSU 15E .ODS +33 279
>Karl_Higby: IIIII -IIIII +0 131
>Jason_Vaysberg: AIJNSUY D7 JAY +24 303
>Karl_Higby: OR F9 RO. +16 147
>Jason_Vaysberg: BGINSTU C13 U.B +10 313
>Karl_Higby: DO 10B DO +12 159
>Jason_Vaysberg: GIINSTU 8C G.. +6 319
>Karl_Higby: AEIMNR 6J AIRMEN +19 178
#note Nice fork
>Jason_Vaysberg: IINSTUV L4 VI.TU +18 337
#note I hated my blocking options. N5 VEIN or N4 VIE is best.
>Karl_Higby: ?EEEILR O1 EyELI.ER +122 300
>Jason_Vaysberg: ?INOSSV 5D VISiONS +74 411
>Karl_Higby: EGOO F2 GOO.E +12 312
>Jason_Vaysberg: AIMNQWY N1 WAY +30 441
#note H1 AMINO or AMNIO are better since they block row 1 while also blocking the floaters in GOOSE
>Karl_Higby: AELLNOT 3B ATEN.LOL +70 382
>Jason_Vaysberg: ILMNOQU B1 QU.IL +28 469
#note MAQUI B2. I saw this, but in my short of time haste, noticed the Karl can block my only out spot N5 LENO. I didn't realize that was my only spot for MNO too.
>Karl_Higby: AAIP M6 .AP +15 397
#note Best.
>Jason_Vaysberg: MNO 2D MO. +12 481
#note Tied best, but H1 MOO gives us both 3 more points.
>Karl_Higby: AI 2I AI +6 403
#note Best.
>Karl_Higby: (N) +2 405
Player 2
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Current time: 2025-03-06 20:42:05 Server IP: