Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Cesar_Del_Solar Cesar Del Solar
#player2 Dustin_Dean Dustin Dean
>Cesar_Del_Solar: EEINRUV 8D VENUE +24 24
>Dustin_Dean: EHOPRUV E3 UPHOV. +28 28
#note 9F UPHOVE 32 keeping R ???
>Cesar_Del_Solar: BNRT 3C BR.NT +16 40
>Dustin_Dean: AEILORT D8 .IOLATER +74 102
#note The only other bingo, H7 A(E)ROLITE, scores 15 less and sets up an S for a potentially huge 3W bomb.
>Cesar_Del_Solar: AEINORS 13B NO.ARISE +70 110
>Dustin_Dean: AEGIMOR 15C A.MIGERO +83 185
>Cesar_Del_Solar: BHRT 10B BR.TH +24 134
>Dustin_Dean: IKOOOYY F3 .OOK +43 228
#note Best despite the IOYY leave.
>Cesar_Del_Solar: ?ADEGNS 14I AGENDaS +84 218
>Dustin_Dean: IOSTUYY 13M OY +20 248
#note 15 YO 25 !!!
>Cesar_Del_Solar: ACGIM 12I GAMIC +31 249
>Dustin_Dean: FISTTUY H1 FUSTY +44 292
>Cesar_Del_Solar: DEJL 1H .JELD +18 267
>Dustin_Dean: AAEILQT G6 AQ.A +31 323
>Cesar_Del_Solar: EIN 11D .IEN +17 284
>Dustin_Dean: EIILLTZ C3 .LITZ +26 349
#note L1 (D)ITZ for 2 more but keeping EILL ???
>Cesar_Del_Solar: EINSTUW 7A WU. +15 299
>Dustin_Dean: DEIILRX 2J XI +52 401
>Cesar_Del_Solar: CEINOST M1 SECTION +87 386
>Dustin_Dean: AADEILR A4 DRA.L +33 434
#note L4 ALDER 25, A5 DE(W)AR 27, D1 LA(R)I 22, etc.
>Cesar_Del_Solar: ?DEEFPW N6 FEW +32 418
>Dustin_Dean: AEI 8N .E +15 449
#note 12H A(GAMIC) also scores 15, but then he wins, going out with O8 oPED for 30.
>Cesar_Del_Solar: ?DEP J1 ..PEnD +19 437
>Cesar_Del_Solar: (AI) +4 441
Player 2
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