Player 1 |
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Jason_Vaysberg Jason Vaysberg
#player2 Noah_Goldstein Noah Goldstein
>Jason_Vaysberg: ELNNSST -LN +0 0
#note Exch. NN is best. on sim and static Exch. LN is 0.8 points on static.
>Noah_Goldstein: ADIQ 8E QADI +28 28
>Jason_Vaysberg: EEGNSST I8 SEG +20 20
#note 9F GEN, but it's very close.
I see the logic in GEN making the board very good for 7's and making the QADIS hook more likely to stay open.
I like my 8s knowledge better than my 7s knowledge at the moment, so this may be moot.
>Noah_Goldstein: CEMO 11H COME +21 49
>Jason_Vaysberg: ENNNSTT L11 TENT +17 37
#note Drawing NNT here was interesting.
My play was very scary, and also suboptimal. TENTY and TENTH are possible and I don't have them. I figured the COMETH hook somewhat neutralized the TENTH spot specifically, and Noah is less likely to have had an H or Y when he played COME, but this all still feels unnecessarily risky.
I do wonder if I hadn't started the game with an underwhelming LN exchange and underwhelming second turn compared to my leave, if I would have been more willing to make a play like exchanging NNT (which feels more in line with my usual style in these spots, for better or worse).
Simple 5 point plays like H7 TIN, 9H NET sim best. Exchange NNT is very close too. F5 TENANT is also an option. All these plays are very close on sim. Interesting that Quackle hates H7 NIT compared to TIN in the same spot, despite retaining the S. I have some ideas about why, with UNIT and KNIT being just part of it, but also the accessibility of vowel dumps and bingos in the D in QADI may be a slight factor too.
>Noah_Goldstein: ADEG H11 .AGED +30 79
>Jason_Vaysberg: BDNNSTV -BDNNV +0 37
#note Quackle likes 14G VEND here slightly better. I have to wonder if much of that is due to defensive factors because BNST at a deficit after blocking that E just feels gross to me.
Nevertheless, my play is second best. I know leaves like NST are probably slightly better on static, but turnover feels important here for a variety of reasons. Similarly NS is slightly better than ST typically on static, but the T feels more flexible than N with TENTH and TENTY plays, especially that retain S. I also like ST better than NS for bingoing through the A in QADI or E in CAGED, or -ST options on N column forming COMETS. I know there are counterarguments, like -ING potential to the G in CAGED so all these things are hard to weigh fully, but I'm glad Quackle likes my exchange best.
>Noah_Goldstein: ORUY 15L YOUR +45 124
>Jason_Vaysberg: HLPRSTT M10 PHT +23 60
#note best, although a vowel would have been nice lol
>Noah_Goldstein: DV K10 D.V +13 137
>Jason_Vaysberg: CILRSTZ F6 CZ.R +21 81
#note 7F ZIT sims very slightly ahead. Scary looking play to block the board a retain 4 consonants. I'm okay with what I did here.
>Noah_Goldstein: EF J9 FE. +22 159
>Jason_Vaysberg: AEIKLST O8 STALKIE. +101 182
#note Lucky draw here.
>Noah_Goldstein: AAEFNOU 12D FAUN. +16 175
#note Noah initially placed FAUNAE from N4, so I know he has AE in his 3 tile leave. I specifically thought of AEO leave for some reason. The pool from my perspective is slight vowel heavy too. This plays into my next move.
>Jason_Vaysberg: ENRSTUW 11A UNWET +25 207
#note Thought about 10C WURST and 11A UNWET for quite some time (like 4+ minutes). These 2 plays are about equal and among best options when I specific Noah has AE. Quackle likes 14H EW for 5 best by a very slight margin, which is surprising to me, but I guess with 2 blanks unseen. I only bingo ~13% of the time after EW, hardly an effective fishing move. In fact, I bingo more often after UNWET. It also likes 10B WRENS for 36, which I quickly passed on given having to retain the U, but maybe all the extra points (11 over 11A UNWET) is just too much to pass on here.
The other move that sims better than my placement of UNWET, interestingly, is 13A UNWET for 2 fewer points and putting the vowel in a scary spot for plays with the J or X. I guess the value of blocking the E in CAGED with both blanks unseen is just this great? Wild turn all around.
I am okay with what I did, although I think I would have done WURST had I not known Noah had AE, not that play is best either. All these plays sim very very close together though.
>Noah_Goldstein: OO 7F .OO +19 194
#note Interesting. Still an M and P out for this new lane on 6H.
>Jason_Vaysberg: BIORRSV A8 VIR.S +27 234
#note Best. Almost had ARBOVIRUS lol
BURROS wins a whopping 4% less. Probably in part due to the 6 I's unseen after leaving IV.
>Noah_Goldstein: EW 14J WE. +14 208
#note Interesting play for multiple reasons.
1. Noah chose to play an E here, when I still know he has an A. He also doesn't have any of the 6 I's or 4 O's worth dumping?
2. If Noah had a blank, would he be obstructing that E? Normally a short play like this screaming strong leave, but this one was interesting.
3. If Noah had 3+ E's I would think he would make a play like WEE from N7, to setup a better bingo lane for himself.
Given all this, I still think Noah likely has exactly 1 more E. I know he still has that A, probably just the 1. given choosing WET>WAT. No I's, *maaaayybeee* a single O, but it would be a slight mistake. So I can hone in on a pretty close guess to his leave, something like AE + 3 balanced-ish consonants. A leave like AENRT makes a lot of sense, I even wrote down AENRT pos on my sheet here. I planned to play here with a leave close to this in mind. If Noah didn't have a blank, I need to start pushing turnover.
>Jason_Vaysberg: ABEHIOR 6B BROA.H +26 260
#note 9C HAIR and B6 BROACH both do pretty similarly, but once I speculate on Noah's leave of AENRT, BROACH becomes a clear best play. 5 tile turnover for the blanks, how much of a luckbox can I be?....
>Noah_Goldstein: JO C9 JO. +21 229
#note This play confused me, unless this was his 2 tile draw, but it doesn't matter...
>Jason_Vaysberg: ??BEIRT 15A tRIBuTE. +86 346
#note Because I'm the luckbox today :D
Except, of my million bingos... I played a PHONEY! And I didn't realize it until reviewing the game now, TRIBUTE is only a NOUN. omg omg! I am so lucky I got away with it. I had so many valid bingos for the same score too. Wow.
>Noah_Goldstein: AX 14B AX +31 260
>Jason_Vaysberg: AAEILPY N9 AY +31 377
>Noah_Goldstein: DEGL 8K GELD. +15 275
>Jason_Vaysberg: AEIIILP L6 LI. +3 380
#note I didn't know ABROACH. Quackle likes PILEA or ILEA there best, followed by exchange options.
>Noah_Goldstein: AILNNNO D5 I.N +3 278
#note Noah mentioned he wanted to draw P here, although I probably wouldn't make a play like LIE without it, although I could make a mistake and I respect his efforts here.
>Jason_Vaysberg: AEIINOP 4C EPINAOI +82 462
#note ...But I'm just a luckbox this game
>Noah_Goldstein: AEILMNS 3I MAILS +27 305
#note Some bingos were missed, but it's moot to outcome.
>Jason_Vaysberg: ORU 3A OUR +10 472
#note best
>Jason_Vaysberg: (EN) +4 476