Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Eric_Goldstein Eric Goldstein
#player2 Jonathan_Lindh Jonathan Lindh
>Eric_Goldstein: IQ 8G QI +22 22
>Jonathan_Lindh: ?AENORS I2 cANOERS +70 70
>Eric_Goldstein: EILMUVZ 5H V.LUMIZE +94 116
>Jonathan_Lindh: FIJRRTU N1 FRIT. +34 104
#note Looks best.
>Eric_Goldstein: EH M2 EH +22 138
>Jonathan_Lindh: DGJRRUW 3F JUR. +12 116
#note Quackle likes trading down to R. Probably right.
>Eric_Goldstein: DEIV F3 .IVED +18 156
>Jonathan_Lindh: DDEGRSW O5 .DGED +24 140
#note Best.
>Eric_Goldstein: ABEK N8 BAKE +27 183
>Jonathan_Lindh: GILRSTW O11 TWIRL +38 178
>Eric_Goldstein: AE O1 AE +24 207
>Jonathan_Lindh: AABGISU L3 GA.BIA +31 209
#note 2nd best play. I saw GAMBUSIA shortly after I hit my clock. Probably a game losing mistake.
>Eric_Goldstein: OPW M9 POW +32 239
>Jonathan_Lindh: INPSTUX 7K P.X +20 229
>Eric_Goldstein: AEIMY K7 .YEMIA +31 270
>Jonathan_Lindh: INNSTTU J9 NUT +15 244
>Eric_Goldstein: CEEIL 14J CEILE. +28 298
>Jonathan_Lindh: ?INORST H8 .RONIeST +74 318
>Eric_Goldstein: CEENNST 13A SENTENC. +74 372
#note Eric would not have had a playable bingo had I played IRONISTS. I considered the play but didn't like the floating S in row 15.
>Jonathan_Lindh: AGHNOOU D8 HOGNU. +28 346
#note What do you do here? HOOT? Something else?
>Eric_Goldstein: AFORY A8 FORAY. +48 420
>Jonathan_Lindh: AADLOOS 14B DAS +27 373
#note Best along with DOS.
>Eric_Goldstein: OT 15L TO +8 428
#note 2nd best to B11 TOED for 12.
>Eric_Goldstein: (OALO) +8 436
Player 2
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