Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Jason_Vaysberg Jason Vaysberg
#player2 Zach_Ansell Zach Ansell
>Jason_Vaysberg: AAEMOTU 8F AMU +10 10
#note 8G AUTO sims best.
>Zach_Ansell: DIQ F7 Q.ID +18 18
>Jason_Vaysberg: AAEIOTZ G6 AI. +18 28
#note Considered this or 10A AZOTED. Against a very good player like Zach, the volatility may not have been a bad thing.
>Zach_Ansell: IIII -4 +0 18
>Jason_Vaysberg: AEEEOTZ E9 TOEA +13 41
#note This was a bad play. Considered H4 ZEE. AZOTED is still available too.
>Zach_Ansell: ?EEINSS 5E NEmESIS +79 97
>Jason_Vaysberg: EEOORTZ D12 ZOO +46 87
>Zach_Ansell: FHRT 14B FR.TH +38 135
>Jason_Vaysberg: BDEENRT J5 .NTERBED +69 156
#note only bingo
>Zach_Ansell: ACRV H1 CRAV. +42 177
>Jason_Vaysberg: AEEIIPW 15A WAE +25 181
#note Plays like 11I WEEPIE or K column plays like K10 AWE sim better. Interesting that Quackle likes that scary setup of WEEPIE at such a small deficit. Zach did just play an R, so he may be slightly more likely to have another since he didn't play like CLAVE or something with all 4 L's unseen. K10 AWE is interesting too, I kinda like that it is setting up EWE plays on column L, while retaining an E.
>Zach_Ansell: ?ACEEFI 2B lIFECA.E +86 263
#note Pretty bingo by Zach here
>Jason_Vaysberg: EGIIKLP 1A KEPI +44 225
#note best
>Zach_Ansell: GGIM 15F MIGG +31 294
>Jason_Vaysberg: GILLOTY 12H GO.LY +24 249
#note Lots of better options, like 3G GALLIOT or 12H GODLILY. Quackle also like K column plays better like K11 TOLYL or K11 LOGY
>Zach_Ansell: DW 3G D.W +27 321
>Jason_Vaysberg: EEIJLST 8J .EJITS +63 312
#note bailed out here
>Zach_Ansell: BOPR 4C PROB +22 343
>Jason_Vaysberg: EILTUXY 7M XU +36 348
#note best, although still down in tempo
>Zach_Ansell: INV 13G VIN +17 360
>Jason_Vaysberg: AEILOTY 11I Y.A +22 370
#note Quackle seems to prefer plays that bring me closer to a bingo. 13L OY and 4K OILY sim for a slight improvement over YEA.
>Zach_Ansell: DELR 3G ...DLER +24 384
>Jason_Vaysberg: EILNORT C4 .O +4 374
#note Ironically if I played 4K OY last turn, I'd be racing O8 SLANTIER down, but instead I have this messy situation. I post-mortemed this spot for a bit, but missed G6 ANON which Zach came up with as a good option. I didn't seen that, despite seeing CRAVEN for whatever reason. Although, the best play according to Quackle by a decent margin is C4 POL which it think wins ~5% more often than ANON, at 64% and 59% respectively. My play of PO only wins 47% of the time according to Quackle. I don't always trust Quackle 100% in these pre-end game spots, but it is pretty clear that my play was a big blunder.
>Zach_Ansell: AHNOOTU 6B NO +9 393
>Jason_Vaysberg: EILNNRT H1 .....N +13 387
>Zach_Ansell: AAHOTUU A6 OUTA +15 408
>Jason_Vaysberg: EILNRST N4 STR..LINE +63 450
>Jason_Vaysberg: EILNRST -- -63 387
#note Desperate times call for desperate measures lol
>Zach_Ansell: AHLU 2L HAUL +21 429
>Zach_Ansell: (EILNRST) +14 443
Player 2
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