Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Richard_Popper Richard Popper
#player2 Jason_Vaysberg Jason Vaysberg
>Richard_Popper: ABEMR 8H BREAM +24 24
>Jason_Vaysberg: AAENSTU L8 .ANTEAUS +72 72
#note J4 NAUSEATE also available, but scores 10 less. 10 points feels like too much to give up.
>Richard_Popper: I 13L .I +4 28
#note Richard takes a long time than just drops the I down for 4. I doubt I can block much on this board.
>Jason_Vaysberg: AHIIRTT 15H THIR.T +27 99
#note 15G RATTISH sims best, if I had known it or its anagrams with confidence I would have played them. The vowel heavy leave is probably wrong here. I don't mind the J14 X hot spot at all though, because Richard never has it after his fish, so I have a good chance at cashing it in or using that as a potential scoring spot in general.
>Richard_Popper: AEGILNT 14B ATINGLE +76 104
#note best, N8 TAGLINE scores 1 more, but way too dangerous
>Jason_Vaysberg: AAIORWY N13 RAY +28 127
#note K4 AIRWAY looks great, didn't see that. My play feels like a sizeable blunder here.. Even something like J4 YOWIE looks a lot better in hindsight. I ran into this problem a lot down the stretch this tournament where I tried so hard to pace with score and kept nasty leaves. I feel like intuitively I know better than to do that, but maybe was feeling like I needed help (bag bailing me out) because of sustained poor luck. I may have created my own bad luck here. I think I have some work to do in this domain. But I'm glad I forced myself to sim through all 31 games played this weekend, so I could recognize this.
>Richard_Popper: GNUY 10J GU.NY +21 125
>Jason_Vaysberg: AEEIOUW 15A OWE +25 152
>Richard_Popper: DEOOW E9 WOODE. +20 145
>Jason_Vaysberg: AEIINTU 12C AU.IENT +18 170
#note I started placing UINTAITE C8 on the board, then changed it to AUDIENT B12 after seeing the vowel placement of the U. UINTAITE sims a lot better.
>Richard_Popper: AJV K5 JAV. +28 173
>Jason_Vaysberg: EIKNORU F9 OK +37 207
>Richard_Popper: EHI 11G HIE +15 188
>Jason_Vaysberg: EFINTUV 6J V.U +14 221
#note Debated between J6 FAUVE and J6 VAU, deciding on VAU because the 3 remaining S's and both blanks scared me after FAUVE. Quackle seems to like FAUVE better. C9 UNWOVE is another interesting option I didn't think of, although doesn't sim quite as well.
>Richard_Popper: Q J14 Q. +31 219
>Jason_Vaysberg: AEFINOT L4 FO. +21 242
>Richard_Popper: ??EGIPS D3 GaPIESt +73 292
#note I didn't even hold this play. I saw 2 blanks and kind of checked out of what the word is. If I thought for a second, I should have realized that GAMIEST is around 2000 in probably and this would be the same, hypothetically. My fault.
>Jason_Vaysberg: AEEINRT 3D .RATINEE +61 303
#note If I challenged GAPIEST, RETINAE would have played at C7
>Richard_Popper: LOO 8A LOO. +12 304
>Jason_Vaysberg: ACCIMRR 7C M.RC +18 321

Consonant heavy pool, but MERC does terrible in sim. AMICI H1 also is miss the bingo, but I'm surprised by that given how scary not drawing a vowel would be.
>Richard_Popper: DINOP 2J POIND +40 344
#note Scored as 37. This plays into (pre-)end game decisions.
>Jason_Vaysberg: ACDFIRS 4F DIF +25 346
#note DIF is the runaway favorite here. Quackle thinks it wins about 3/4 times. This seems to be the 1/4, although my suboptimal play earlier in the game has to bear some blame.

There is a lot to consider here, including the F2 ZA threat, threats like H1 SEIZE, plays with POINDS and SEZ/SEX, and a sleugh of X plays. I also want to go out quickly if I miss X and Z, so I can potentially stick Richard with one of them. It will be hard for me to unrun multiple 20+ point plays.
>Richard_Popper: BEELLSZ O2 SEZ +31 375
#note N6 BELLY is best, as it sets up both O2 SEZ and B5 ZEPS. SEZ is still one of many wins for Richard.
>Jason_Vaysberg: ACDRSX N7 SCR. +9 355
#note I saw that SCARY *probably* netted the best spread, but we were both short on time and I thought this created the most chaos of the BELLY blocks.
>Richard_Popper: BELL 1L BE +16 391
#note Not relevant, but there's a really cute spot to place EL for 16 points, if you want to try and find it.
>Jason_Vaysberg: ADX 2E AD +18 373
#note We both had seconds left and this ties if Richard misses G3 TILL and quickly drops an L for 2 like at C11 LA to avoid a time penalty.
>Richard_Popper: LL 12L .L +4 395
>Jason_Vaysberg: X G3 ..X +10 383
#note Game scored as 385-392
>Jason_Vaysberg: (L) +2 385
Player 2
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