Game Details
Player 1
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#player1 Quackle Quackle
#player2 New_Player_1 New Player 1
>Quackle: AGILMRU 8H ALGUM +22 22
#note Here we go. Fact one: I was 2-6 against Brandon before this tournament, even though our ratings have pretty much always mirrored each other. Fact two: I was growing despondent about even winning a second game at this point, though I did think I might be able to win two or three. But with my performance this game, I doubt I could have won with any assortment of good tiles. Because I did, in fact, draw excellent tiles, and wasted them, as we'll see.
>New_Player_1: EEEIOSU -EEIOU +0 0
>Quackle: DDFINNR K7 F.NDI +18 40
>New_Player_1: EFGINSV J6 VE. +20 20
#note I did consider FIVE, which Q prefers.
>Quackle: DHINNRW H6 HW.N +10 50
>New_Player_1: DEFIINS 10I FI. +9 29
#note I saw NIDIFIES, but wasn't sure of it. I did not see FIENDISH, which I would have played if I had. Unforced error #1. Oh and why did I play FID here instead of shedding my I? Great question. I'll have to get back to you on that one.
>Quackle: ADINRSY 6E NYA. +18 68
>New_Player_1: EIILNNS M2 INLINES +75 104
>New_Player_1: EIILNNS -- -75 29
#note I set up LINNIES on my rack. Then, in a stroke of pure genius, I played it! "It" being, of course, INLINES, which I've probably played about three or four times before, always to have it challenged off. Unforced error #2.
>Quackle: DIRRSTV M5 VIDS +19 87
#note Brandon did not challenge my hook of ALGUMS. So, naturally, I did when he played VIDS.
>New_Player_1: EIILNNS - +0 29
>Quackle: BKLRRTU E3 TRU.K +18 105
>New_Player_1: EIILNNS 8A LINES +28 57
>Quackle: BLMPRTT B6 BL.MP +23 128
#note Look at the score. Look at what I've drawn this game, and look at what Brandon's drawn. It's a miracle I didn't lose by 200 the way I played.
>New_Player_1: AEIINNO L11 NAOI +10 67
#note I played this here, desperate to keep the board open.
>Quackle: BGIPRTT 14J GR.PT +24 152
>New_Player_1: EEINOSX M12 EX.O +46 113
#note I think this is the first time this game that Quackle agrees with my play. Even I couldn't screw up this turn. But just wait until next turn! I'll make up for it.
>Quackle: ABEIQTZ F2 QI +33 185
#note I don't know if Brandon saw BRAIZE. Championship player prefers it, though it's only 4.2 above QI in the win percentage column, but 10 points up in valuation. There are five As for ZA/TIZ, which he does draw quickly.
>New_Player_1: ?EEINOS G9 ONEsIES +61 174
#note I did not see SENEcIO. I did not see SOIgNEE. I did see EbONISE, and chickened out on it. I didn't even consider bingoing through the R in TRUNKS, which is best. Lesson is, I suck at Scrabble.
>Quackle: ABDETTZ F11 DEBT +21 206
#note This does leave ZA in hand, and might be the best way to block? I would just play ZEST. Nearly as many points, and doesn't leave any room for me to bingo. There's still an S and blank unseen to him.
>New_Player_1: AIIOORT C2 ORATIO. +23 197
#note I nearly didn't play the O. I should have kept it. Though Q prefers playing it by a large margin.
>Quackle: AEJSTWZ B2 JET +42 248
>New_Player_1: ?AEILTU 2F .UAnTILE +68 265
>Quackle: AEEOSWZ 1H ZOEA +77 325
>New_Player_1: CEGORRY E10 COY +29 294
>Quackle: AEEHSUW H14 EH +33 358
>New_Player_1: AACEGRR 3H GEAR +28 322
#note Obviously, I had given up at this point. Doesn't mean I shouldn't play CAGER/CODE/OYES or some other overlap there.
>Quackle: ADEOSUW D12 WOAD +38 396
>New_Player_1: ACRR 15A CAR. +21 343
>Quackle: ESU 11A USE +15 411
>Quackle: (R) +2 413
Player 2
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