Player 1 |
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#player1 Quackle Quackle
#player2 New_Player_1 New Player 1
>Quackle: AEEGHOY 8D YOGEE +26 26
>New_Player_1: ?ADEINT E5 AsT.NIED +82 82
>Quackle: AAEHMRV D11 HAVER +35 61
>New_Player_1: BEJLLRS G7 J.LL +20 102
#note JEBEL 14A is best. Q also prefers JELL F2, but I think keeping the E is worth it. I did not consider JEBEL, but with 7 ohs unseen, that placement is almost as scary as leaving the 3x3 open.
>Quackle: AEIMTUU 15C T.UMEAU +27 88
#note Nearly drew a challenge off of me, but I decided to accept it.
>New_Player_1: ABEQRSW 7C QA. +27 129
#note Best, followed by exchange QW, which I did consider. But 27 is good enough, and the leave is not terrible with some high-prob draws.
>Quackle: EEIIINZ F2 ZEIN +35 123
>New_Player_1: BEGORSW D2 BROW +24 153
>Quackle: DEEIIPP E1 PIE +22 145
>New_Player_1: EGGINRS I2 GINGERS +71 224
#note I jokingly said to Cesar, "Oh no, you blocked my disconnected nine." If only I took as much time to make jokes as to realize that SNIGGER (or SERGING, which I didn't know), hooking onto JELL, scores 9 more points. SNIGGERER wouldn't have fit, anyway. Not that I would have a) found it, and b) been sure it was a word.
>Quackle: DEIOPUV J1 VIDEO +24 169
#note Cesar nearly played VID (or maybe VIDE), then decided to add the extra two tiles.
>New_Player_1: ?ADNOST K5 DONATeS +88 312
#note Both blanks, each for a 2x2, with a third bingo in between ... Hard to beat anyone when they draw like that.
>Quackle: FLNOPTU 8K .FOUL +36 205
>New_Player_1: ABCEIIO J10 BICE +25 337
#note I was trying to take out some bingo lanes here, with two ens and an em unseen. Didn't even think about the hook here.
>Quackle: AFMNOPT 14J POTMAN +49 254
#note Great play by Cesar.
>New_Player_1: AEIKOSX O11 AXO.E +60 397
#note And I immediately get rewarded for my play of BICE. I did consider AXONS, with just one more E unseen, and just 6 other vowels, but with GOD still open, I figured I would be able to cash in there as well.
>Quackle: AFHIORY 14F HAY +39 293
>New_Player_1: IKRSTUW L3 TUSK +28 425
#note Not my best play by a longshot. I did see WRITS, but hated the clunky leave. I missed the beautiful OUTSWIM, connecting the O in AFOUL with the M in POTMAN.
>Quackle: EFINORS G2 EF +35 328
#note Oh yeah, that was the other reason I considered AXONS. I would have kept EIK, so if I had drawn another E, I would have been able to play EEK for a huge score here.
>New_Player_1: DIIRRTW M1 WRIT +20 445
#note Missed WRIED 13F. This is second best.
>Quackle: AILNORS M8 .RALIS. +20 348
#note Such a nice play. Shame I didn't have the board vision to see a play like this.
>New_Player_1: CDIR N6 CR. +11 456
#note CEDIS 13I
>Quackle: NO 1M .ON +18 366
#note I misscored* AsTONIED as 86, hence the discrepancy on the submitted score.
>Quackle: (DI) +6 372