Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Susan_Blanchard Susan Blanchard
#player2 Evan_Chester Evan Chester
>Susan_Blanchard: ?AADGIO H3 ADAGIOs +70 70
>Evan_Chester: AEIJNOO G8 JIAO +23 23
#note 6H GOJI and 4G ADJOIN are better
>Susan_Blanchard: EESTW H11 SWEET +38 108
>Evan_Chester: EEFKNOT G3 KEF +34 57
#note Best
>Susan_Blanchard: ABRV 4C BRAV.. +24 132
>Evan_Chester: DEINNOT E4 .NTINODE +86 143
#note ANOINTED simulates slightly better
>Susan_Blanchard: EHNOY D9 HONEY +32 164
>Evan_Chester: AEELOQS -EOQ +0 143
#note Best
>Susan_Blanchard: AAMN C10 MANA +33 197
>Evan_Chester: AELSSUY C3 A.LY +18 161
#note 14B ESSAY for 51 is the standout play here. This play is not very good
>Susan_Blanchard: IQRU 5G ..QUIR +36 233
>Evan_Chester: EEGGSSU M5 SEGUE +28 189
>Susan_Blanchard: BDEEIL L9 BELIED +22 255
>Evan_Chester: ?EGORSV 15A GROViES. +95 284
#note Best
>Susan_Blanchard: HLOORST - +0 255
#note Challenge
>Evan_Chester: DLNNRTZ 13K N.RTZ +28 312
#note Best
>Susan_Blanchard: IP O13 .IP +42 297
>Evan_Chester: CDEILNO J5 .NCOILED +65 377
#note J4 NUCLEOID scores 4 more but I haven't studied this rack yet so I'm ok with this play
>Susan_Blanchard: HU 14F HU. +29 326
>Evan_Chester: LORRTUX -LORRTU +0 377
#note Interesting decision. Certain plays that are valued higher like 6A OXY, N9 TROUT, and N9 LUX give back massive counterplay and are probably not worth playing at this scoreline. My idea with exchanging is that if I can draw and A, E, or I, I'll have over 40 points with my X that I can do very little with on this turn. While most of the tiles I'm putting back in the bag are good for bingoing in isolation, together they don't do much at all and the board is pretty dead. There is a play worth making though, N6 ROTL for 20. I didn't see it during the game and I do think exchanging has merit, not a clear cut position and I'm curious how better players than myself would handle it.
>Susan_Blanchard: AP B13 PA. +18 344
>Evan_Chester: CEFMTWX 11B F... +7 384
#note What a draw. I felt the need to address the pretty clear S setup here.
>Susan_Blanchard: I I5 .I +15 359
>Evan_Chester: CELMTWX I12 EX +41 425
#note Best
>Susan_Blanchard: AU N13 .AU +14 373
>Evan_Chester: CLMTTTW B1 CWM +24 449
#note Best by a mile
>Susan_Blanchard: IOORRS A3 ORRIS +11 384
#note 3G KARROOS! never seen that word before.
>Evan_Chester: LTTT 3G ..T +8 457
#note Best, tied with 9L BELT
>Susan_Blanchard: O K13 .O +5 389
#note My first genuinely well played game of the tournament. ABLY was the only sizable mistake I made all game and while I had smaller misses here and there, and the late exchange could be debated for sure, all of my other plays were best or close to it
>Susan_Blanchard: (LTT) +6 395
Player 2
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