Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Evan_Chester Evan Chester
#player2 Judy_Cole Judy Cole
>Evan_Chester: DEEFGIO H4 FOGIE +26 26
#note Best
>Judy_Cole: HIK G7 KHI +32 32
>Evan_Chester: ADDEEES 4H .ADED +20 46
#note I3 DEE is valued at .1 better, this play is fine
>Judy_Cole: ETY 3I YET +24 56
>Evan_Chester: AEEENQS -EEQ +0 46
#note Best
>Judy_Cole: ??EGITT 10G sETTInG +68 124
#note 5B pETTIfOG is a really cool word available on this turn. There are also 2 available 9s of 8D TETHErInG and 7G KITTEnInG
>Evan_Chester: AACEINS J8 ES.ANCIA +62 108
#note Only bingo, hooray
>Judy_Cole: DGNR 15H GR.ND +27 151
>Evan_Chester: AEELLQS 9F Q. +11 119
#note 15H GRANDEES, , N10 SELLE (did not know), and 5K LEAL are valued higher. Dumping the Q isn't that bad tho
>Judy_Cole: LTU 13J .ULT +12 163
>Evan_Chester: AEELLSX 5K LEX +29 148
#note Best
>Judy_Cole: EST 15H .....EST +30 193
>Evan_Chester: AAEHLOS 14L AHA +26 174
#note Best. Misscored as 24
>Judy_Cole: ACIORR 12D CARRIO. +20 213
>Evan_Chester: AELOSTU D7 OUTLA.ES +61 235
>Evan_Chester: AELOSTU -- -61 174
#note This is where the game goes downhill for me. I was playing well before this but I tried a bingo I didn't know because I was too itchy to bingo. Inlaces is also good so I figured this was plausible. This rack has 3 anagrams that all don't fit. The sad play of XU for 9 is best
>Judy_Cole: MO 11E MO +18 231
>Evan_Chester: AELOSTU 6H .OAL +11 185
#note The sad play of XU for 9 is best
>Judy_Cole: BEORW 2E BOWER +18 249
>Evan_Chester: EERSTUU F4 URUS +13 198
#note horrible play
>Judy_Cole: JOY 1F JOY +68 317
>Evan_Chester: DEEIMPT N12 PI.. +13 211
#note At least this creates more space on the board? I was floundering once this game got out of reach
>Judy_Cole: BEINOV O7 BOVINE +41 358
>Evan_Chester: DEELMTZ 3B MEZE +34 245
#note Best
>Judy_Cole: AF 4C FA +37 395
>Evan_Chester: DILNNPT I6 .P +20 265
#note Somehow 2nd best on equity
>Judy_Cole: IOV L8 VI.O +10 405
>Evan_Chester: DILNNNT 11J .D. +14 279
#note Quackle didn't even find this but it sims the best out all plays which all win 0%
>Judy_Cole: AERSUW 5D SE. +18 423
>Evan_Chester: ILNNNT D12 .LIT +7 286
#note B1 NIM is best
>Judy_Cole: ARUW 2A WAR +26 449
>Evan_Chester: NNN 14D .NN +5 291
#note 4F UNFADED
>Judy_Cole: U M5 .U +9 458
#note I was playing pretty well to start this game off but I completely folded after playing OUTLACES.
>Judy_Cole: (N) +2 460
Player 2
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