Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Jonathan_Lindh Jonathan Lindh
#player2 Kenneth_Rubin Kenneth Rubin
>Jonathan_Lindh: CHIILSU 8D CHILI +26 26
>Kenneth_Rubin: ORSVW I4 VROWS +26 26
>Jonathan_Lindh: EEGIRSU E5 GUS.IER +44 70
#note Best.
>Kenneth_Rubin: EIJT 10D E.JIT +28 54
>Jonathan_Lindh: BEEOORR 4H O.ERBORE +80 150
#note Best.
>Kenneth_Rubin: IMNTY O4 .NMITY +33 87
>Jonathan_Lindh: ?DNNOPQ 6D Q.OD +16 166
#note Best.
>Kenneth_Rubin: EK J4 .EK +35 122
>Jonathan_Lindh: ?ANNOPU 3L APO +24 190
#note Had I played K3 URP for 20 like Quackle wanted, I would have avoided a world of pain. Quackle thinks this a 4.5 point mistake but in this game it was about a 100 point mistake.
>Kenneth_Rubin: ADEEILZ K4 .EALIZED +135 257
#note Ouch. Great find!
>Jonathan_Lindh: ?AENNTU 3B UNeATEN +66 256
#note 2I TUNNAGE for 80 is the bingo I wanted, taking out the dangerous row 2 spot with the many A's out.
>Kenneth_Rubin: AAGNP 2J PAGAN +45 302
>Jonathan_Lindh: EELRSTU 1H LEU +13 269
#note Best.
>Kenneth_Rubin: ADNOW L9 ADOWN +35 337
>Jonathan_Lindh: ?EFORST 13G SOFTe.ER +80 349
#note Looks good. Maybe REFRONTS for 80?
>Kenneth_Rubin: AVX M7 VAX +52 389
>Jonathan_Lindh: DEMNORT H12 D.RM +27 376
#note H12 MOOD for 30 instead? I think I considered that.
>Kenneth_Rubin: AGI J10 GAI. +22 411
>Jonathan_Lindh: ABENOTY B1 BO.NTY +38 414
>Kenneth_Rubin: CEHILTU N10 CHU.L +32 443
#note CHURL and CHIRU are Ken's only wins. Nice play!
>Jonathan_Lindh: AEFIS 14F FI.ES +33 447
#note Best.
>Kenneth_Rubin: EIT 15D TIE +9 452
#note Best.
>Kenneth_Rubin: (A) +2 454
#note I played really well this game, but I was punished severly for missing REP and TUNNAGE.
Player 2
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