Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Jonathan_Lindh Jonathan Lindh
#player2 Emmett_Brosowsky Emmett Brosowsky
>Jonathan_Lindh: DIISTUX 8F DUIT +10 10
#note JL: 8H DIXIT for 28. DUIT was too fancy, trying to set up my X.
>Emmett_Brosowsky: AADDFHK 9E FAH +25 25
>Jonathan_Lindh: FIMOSXZ J8 SOX +32 42
#note JL: Best, setting up FIZ.
>Emmett_Brosowsky: ADDJKNQ H5 QAD. +14 39
#note EB: 10D DAK QJ is bad but not thaaat bad #findingsaddest
>Jonathan_Lindh: ?EFIMNZ K9 FIZ +44 86
#note JL: 6C FEMINAZI for 73 and my play are even.
>Emmett_Brosowsky: DIJKNRS 6G K.NJI +32 71
>Jonathan_Lindh: ?DEMNOP 5K POM +22 108
#note JL: 10B MOPED for 34.
>Emmett_Brosowsky: DEENRSS N5 SENDERS +70 141
#note EB: Chickened out of POME for some weird reason. #knowledgesadder
>Jonathan_Lindh: ?DEHNRT 10E EH +33 141
#note JL: Best.
>Emmett_Brosowsky: AACGIOT 8L CO.A +30 171
>Jonathan_Lindh: ?DENPRT 9M P.D +19 160
>Emmett_Brosowsky: AAEEGIT 11C GAE +20 191
>Jonathan_Lindh: ?AENORT 12D ATONERs +75 235
#note JL: Looks good.
>Emmett_Brosowsky: AEILMNT C4 METALIN. +63 254
#note JL: If I played NORTENA the last turn, Emmett would have had ALIMENT/AILMENT for more so ATONERS ended up being perfectly fine.
>Jonathan_Lindh: EILNOOO D2 LOONIE +26 261
#note JL: Best.
>Emmett_Brosowsky: ABBEIRY B1 ABBEY +35 289
#note EB: 2B BI(L)BY or L11 ABBEY instead -- I figured that the board was dead enough that I shouldn't give him the only spot to score. Sim thinks I'm on the right track but the point diff is just too much. #knowledgesad
>Jonathan_Lindh: IILOTUW I4 WI. +17 278
>Emmett_Brosowsky: EIRRTUW 1A W.R +18 307
#note EB: I should just block, this is likely a game-losing mistake. The T setup is very clear and the second blank is out.
>Jonathan_Lindh: ?GILOTU 3F LOUTInG +67 345
#note JL: Or GOUTILy.
>Emmett_Brosowsky: ACEIRTU H12 .CRU +18 325
>Jonathan_Lindh: AEELRUV 14H .EVALUE +36 381
#note JL: Best. Fantastic play.
>Emmett_Brosowsky: AEEINOT L11 ANI. +19 344
>Jonathan_Lindh: GIRRSTY O12 GIST +32 413
#note JL: 2nd best to 15M TRY for 22, keeping RIGS for an out.
>Emmett_Brosowsky: EEOTV L1 VE. +11 355
#note EB: One point off the optimal sequence: the very pretty B8 ET setting up VOE for 27.
>Jonathan_Lindh: RRY 6M Y.R +13 426
#note JL: I saw 2L ERR for 6 but did not do the math right, that's 2 points better than my play. H1 RYU for 18 is best, though, 5 points better than my play.
>Emmett_Brosowsky: EOT 1L .ETO +21 376
>Emmett_Brosowsky: (R) +2 378
Player 2
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