Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Jonathan_Lindh Jonathan Lindh
#player2 Dustin_Dean Dustin Dean
>Jonathan_Lindh: ABEILRT -B +0 0
#note Not my finest moment. LIBRATE or TRIABLE. At least I got the top non-bingo play.
>Dustin_Dean: AEFINSW H4 FANWISE +84 84
>Jonathan_Lindh: AEEILRT 4H .EATLIER +74 74
#note Best.
>Dustin_Dean: ABDO O1 DOB.A +24 108
>Jonathan_Lindh: CEEIORW N1 EW +23 97
>Dustin_Dean: AELLNRY M3 L.NEARLY +76 184
>Jonathan_Lindh: ACEEIOR 8K CO.IA +24 121
#note OCREA for 30 in the same spot.
>Dustin_Dean: AAGNO 6D GOAN.A +9 193
>Jonathan_Lindh: CEEERTU 7G E.E +14 135
>Dustin_Dean: DOOTUV 10B OUTDOV. +15 208
#note Phony! I held for a very long time but I could not bring myself to challenge.
>Jonathan_Lindh: CERSTTU 1G SCUTTER.. +89 224
#note Probably my best find of the tournament!
>Dustin_Dean: AHJ 5C HAJ +47 255
>Jonathan_Lindh: ?DEINPS B6 PrIS.NED +66 290
#note Never saw the SCORIA hook. I probably would have play SNIPPED if I did. Also, if I miss that hook, B7 UNPOISED for 70 is a little better than PRISONED. About a 7 point mistake.
>Dustin_Dean: HOO A7 OHO +36 291
>Jonathan_Lindh: ADEIKMO A12 MOKE +49 339
#note MAKO or MAKI in the same spot.
>Dustin_Dean: ?UZ 4B cUZ +53 344
>Jonathan_Lindh: ADIMRRT C12 MAIR +27 366
>Dustin_Dean: INV 10J VIN. +18 362
>Jonathan_Lindh: BDINRRT 6L R.B +11 377
#note 7E BREWED for 26. If I don't see BREWED, my win chances go down by a ton. REB is about #5.
>Dustin_Dean: EX 11E EX +33 395
>Jonathan_Lindh: DILNRTT C3 D.. +14 391
#note Did not see VINYL plays. N10 LINT for 19 or LIT for 18.
>Dustin_Dean: PUY 12F YUP +24 419
>Jonathan_Lindh: ILNQRTT 2F QI +33 424
#note Best.
>Dustin_Dean: EFGGIIS H12 .IG +6 425
#note Nice setup!
>Jonathan_Lindh: LNRTT O7 R.NT +4 428
#note 13G TILT for 9 is 3 points better.
>Dustin_Dean: EFGIS 15E FIGS +45 470
#note THis or GIFS are best.
>Jonathan_Lindh: LT K8 .L.T +12 440
#note Best.
>Jonathan_Lindh: (E) +2 442
#note Final score recorded as 470-432 because I went about 30 seconds over.
Player 2
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