Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Jason_Vaysberg Jason Vaysberg
#player2 Jonathan_Lindh Jonathan Lindh
>Jason_Vaysberg: DFFI 8E DIFF +22 22
>Jonathan_Lindh: ABEIOUU -ABIOUU +0 0
#note Best.
>Jason_Vaysberg: DKNR F6 DR.NK +24 46
>Jonathan_Lindh: BEEJMOY E4 JOE +23 23
#note 6B JOYED for 32.
>Jason_Vaysberg: CDEIPRS 11C CRISPED +85 131
>Jonathan_Lindh: BEEIMRY H11 .MERY +39 62
#note H10 BEMIRE for 39.
>Jason_Vaysberg: AH 4C HA. +26 157
>Jonathan_Lindh: BBEEIIW 14B WEBBIE. +32 94
#note Best.
>Jason_Vaysberg: GLL D3 G.LL +11 168
>Jonathan_Lindh: IINOQWZ F3 QI +25 119
#note Best.
>Jason_Vaysberg: ?AOPRST 13G P.TROSAl +83 251
#note 13F OPERATES and OPERANTS for 85 are other good options.
>Jonathan_Lindh: INOOTWZ 12K WIZ +50 169
#note Best.
>Jason_Vaysberg: ADEO 15B ODEA +23 274
>Jonathan_Lindh: ENNOOST C11 .ON.. +16 185
#note Or 3B NOG for 18.
>Jason_Vaysberg: AUY H6 YU.A +10 284
>Jason_Vaysberg: AUY -- -10 274
>Jonathan_Lindh: ENOSTTU O7 TENUTOS +84 269
#note Best.
>Jason_Vaysberg: AHTUY N5 THUYA +28 302
>Jonathan_Lindh: AEGNRSV O1 GRAVE +41 310
#note Best.
>Jason_Vaysberg: ACENT 2J CANTE. +28 330
>Jonathan_Lindh: EGLLNOS K1 G.LLEONS +68 378
#note K2 ALLONGES for 68 is a little better because it doesn't create a scoring spot. Never saw it.
>Jason_Vaysberg: AAEIOOU - +0 330
#note Unsuccessful challenge. Not actual rack.
>Jonathan_Lindh: AAEIMOV J5 AMIE +28 406
#note J2 CAEOMA for 34 is an even better idea of my play.
>Jason_Vaysberg: RU 3B RU. +18 348
>Jonathan_Lindh: ?AAINOV M7 NAV +31 437
#note M8 AVO for 26. NAV is apparently 9 points worse.
>Jason_Vaysberg: EIIOTUX 14M XI +39 387
#note Best.
>Jonathan_Lindh: ?AIO 9B AvIO. +7 444
#note A1 IOTA for 16. Didn't see TRUG.
>Jonathan_Lindh: (EIOTU) +10 454
Player 2
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