Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Eric_Harshbarger Eric Harshbarger
#player2 Jonathan_Lindh Jonathan Lindh
>Eric_Harshbarger: BCDINTV - +0 0
#note Exchange 4. Not actual rack.
>Jonathan_Lindh: AEEIKLQ 8G QI +22 22
#note Best.
>Eric_Harshbarger: DIU G8 .UID +15 15
>Jonathan_Lindh: AEEGKLT H11 AKELE +45 67
#note 10B GATELIKE for 69. AKELE* is phony. I likely mixed up AKENE and AKELA.
>Eric_Harshbarger: AX I12 AX +40 55
>Jonathan_Lindh: DEGINST 15B INGEST.D +62 129
#note 7C NIDGETS for 80. I saw the play right after I hit my clock.
>Eric_Harshbarger: ABERZ 7F ZEBRA +38 93
>Jonathan_Lindh: EEMORTT F10 MOT +25 154
#note Not sure of the final tile but I think this was my rack.
>Eric_Harshbarger: AAFNU 6J FAUNA +31 124
>Jonathan_Lindh: EEINRTT O1 NETTIER +83 237
>Eric_Harshbarger: AEORSTU 4H SEATROU. +68 192
#note Only bingo.
>Jonathan_Lindh: BCDEGII 5E CEBID +25 262
>Eric_Harshbarger: MO 14B MO +18 210
>Jonathan_Lindh: ?AEGIOO D12 AGO. +17 279
>Eric_Harshbarger: ?AIILOR C6 AIRfOIL +59 269
#note Only bingo.
>Jonathan_Lindh: ?EEGHIO G13 HE. +29 308
>Eric_Harshbarger: ACNO 8A NA.CO +30 299
>Jonathan_Lindh: ?EGIOPR A5 sPO.GIER +61 369
#note A4 PEIGNOIR for 63 is probably best, but SPONGIER is 2nd best.
>Eric_Harshbarger: FHORS B1 FROSH +26 325
>Jonathan_Lindh: EEJNNVY J10 JEE +33 402
>Eric_Harshbarger: DILLUY 1B .LUIDLY +45 370
>Jonathan_Lindh: NNSVVWY 3A V.WS +20 422
#note Wanted to complicate things.
>Eric_Harshbarger: PTW J6 ..T +6 376
#note Eric didn't see ENVY.
>Jonathan_Lindh: NNVY 11J .NVY +20 442
#note Best.
>Eric_Harshbarger: PW 1M PW. +8 384
#note Best.
>Eric_Harshbarger: (N) +2 386
Player 2
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