Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Zachary_Ansell Zachary Ansell
#player2 Jonathan_Lindh Jonathan Lindh
>Zachary_Ansell: EEV 8F EVE +12 12
>Jonathan_Lindh: EEMNNRY E7 ENEMY +27 27
#note Best.
>Zachary_Ansell: AHO D10 HAO +24 36
>Jonathan_Lindh: DINQRUU D4 QUIN +28 55
>Zachary_Ansell: ?ACEISS 13C AsCESIS +76 112
>Jonathan_Lindh: ADRTTUU 12H TUTU +10 65
#note 12F TUTU for 14 is saner but my goose was cooked either way. My TUTU was 2nd best.
>Zachary_Ansell: ABEEORS L6 AEROBES +80 192
#note Best.
>Jonathan_Lindh: ADEFLNR K11 F.RL +24 89
#note Probably just FUN in the same spot.
>Zachary_Ansell: CHNP 5C P.NCH +24 216
>Jonathan_Lindh: ADEINOT 8L .OID +15 104
#note Zach blocked DONATIVE.
>Zachary_Ansell: ?AANRTT 15E TANTRAs +75 291
>Jonathan_Lindh: AAELNTW 9J AL.W +20 124
#note K8 AW for 16.
>Zachary_Ansell: EIILMNR O6 MI.LINER +62 353
#note Phony. Zach's best play is the ridiculous 5C PUNCHLINE for 32. I thought MIDLINER had something to do with hockey.
>Jonathan_Lindh: ABEINTY H1 BANTY +49 173
>Zachary_Ansell: EGIK 14J K.IEG +56 409
>Jonathan_Lindh: AEEIIPR N10 PIA +25 198
>Zachary_Ansell: ADFZ 7I FAZ.D +33 442
>Jonathan_Lindh: EEIIOOR N2 OORIE +20 218
>Zachary_Ansell: GOV 10H VOG +18 460
>Jonathan_Lindh: DEIJLOU M3 JO +38 256
>Zachary_Ansell: DOX 15M DOX +39 499
>Jonathan_Lindh: DEEILUW O1 DEW +36 292
#note The best endgame is surprising. 4G UTILE for 10 saving DEW to go out. I reversed the order of the plays.
>Zachary_Ansell: GRST 4L T..S +19 518
#note Best.
>Jonathan_Lindh: EILU E3 LI. +14 306
#note Best.
>Zachary_Ansell: GR 11B GR.. +8 526
#note Best.
>Zachary_Ansell: (EU) +4 530
Player 2
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