Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Noah_Goldstein Noah Goldstein
#player2 Jonathan_Lindh Jonathan Lindh
>Noah_Goldstein: DELLRSS 8D DELLS +16 16
#note Actual rack.
>Jonathan_Lindh: ?AEHITU H1 HAbITUE. +83 83
#note Looks right.
>Noah_Goldstein: DEEGRST 6D GEST.RED +64 80
#note E5 DETERGES for 90. Scored as 65.
>Jonathan_Lindh: IIILOPX 5K OXLIP +34 117
#note 2E IXIA for 27 is safer. I have to generate thar kind of play.
>Noah_Goldstein: CKO O5 .OCK +36 116
>Jonathan_Lindh: EIIJOUU 2F JI.O +27 144
#note L2 JEUX for 36.
>Noah_Goldstein: BFINT E5 B.N.FIT +48 164
#note Great find!
>Jonathan_Lindh: AEIOOUZ N8 OUZO +39 183
#note Best.
>Noah_Goldstein: CERSW O11 SCREW +41 205
>Jonathan_Lindh: AAEIILW 4L AAL +28 211
#note N13 AWA for 29 but Quackle has AAL and AWA within a point or two of each other.
>Noah_Goldstein: BFI F10 FIB +31 236
>Jonathan_Lindh: EIIORVW 13K WIVE. +22 233
#note 7C VINO for 19. My play is about 5 points back.
>Noah_Goldstein: AOV 3K OVA +31 267
>Jonathan_Lindh: AINOOQR G4 QA. +25 258
#note Best.
>Noah_Goldstein: GU M11 GU. +11 278
>Jonathan_Lindh: AINOORT 14F ORATION +68 326
#note Best. I thought I was in great shape after this play.
>Noah_Goldstein: EEINRST 15F RETINES +98 376
#note Sadly, Noah had this great 7 tile overlap bingo. One of the nicest plays against me all weekend.
>Jonathan_Lindh: AAEEMNR L10 REN... +21 347
#note D2 MANAGED for 28 cleans up my rack better and scores more.
>Noah_Goldstein: GY 9M G.Y +25 401
>Jonathan_Lindh: AADEMNP 7C PA. +13 360
#note I really liked this play. Keeps well and if I draw the blank, Noah might not be able to block.
>Noah_Goldstein: ER 5C RE. +11 412
>Jonathan_Lindh: ?ADEMNY 4B YA +7 367
#note Noah blocked DAYsMEN.Quackle THINKS something like I2 OY for 17 wins a bunch, but Noah just blocks all of the bingo lines with something like C11 TITI for 4.
>Noah_Goldstein: AEHIMTU 3A HAME +33 445
>Jonathan_Lindh: ?DDEMNN 2A EM +29 396
#note Quackle likes blocking Noah's only out with 7J MeND for 15, leaving A2 ED which is basically unblockable without giving back DEN/DUH.
>Noah_Goldstein: ITU J6 .TUI +4 449
#note Best.
>Noah_Goldstein: (DDNN?) +12 461
#note Final score recorded as 462-396.
Player 2
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