Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Ricky_Sirois Ricky Sirois
#player2 Jonathan_Lindh Jonathan Lindh
>Ricky_Sirois: ABEEFST - +0 0
#note Exchange 4. Not actual rack.
>Jonathan_Lindh: ADEEOPZ 8D ADOZE +32 32
#note 8D ZOEAE for 48.
>Ricky_Sirois: CGI 9B CIG +10 10
>Jonathan_Lindh: BEEGIOP 7D GIB +18 50
#note D7 BAGGIE for 20.
>Ricky_Sirois: EY G6 YE. +24 34
>Jonathan_Lindh: AAAEEOP 5E APO +26 76
#note Best.
>Ricky_Sirois: DIR 4C RID +11 45
>Jonathan_Lindh: AAEEEFS B2 FEASE +25 101
#note Best.
>Ricky_Sirois: INS A1 SIN +16 61
>Jonathan_Lindh: ?AEORUX A5 EAUX +37 138
#note Best.
>Ricky_Sirois: KO F7 ..OK +20 81
>Jonathan_Lindh: ?ELOORU E10 OUR +12 150
#note I'd rather keep things tight after Ricky's last few plays so I am iffy about stuff like B9 COLOUR for 20.
>Ricky_Sirois: EGINOST H8 .GESTION +80 161
#note Best.
>Jonathan_Lindh: ?AELORW 12H .OLeWARE +72 222
#note Not bad, but I think 14 WATERLOO for 74 is a smidge better. Minor mistake at worst.
>Ricky_Sirois: HMTU N10 TH.UM +24 185
>Jonathan_Lindh: ENNORTW O6 WROTE +26 248
#note Maybe O12 ENOW for 27?
>Ricky_Sirois: BM 13M B.M +26 211
>Jonathan_Lindh: DEHLNNQ 13G Q. +21 269
>Ricky_Sirois: AAPU M7 PAUA +13 224
>Jonathan_Lindh: ADEHLNN B9 .HANNEL +40 309
#note Best.
>Ricky_Sirois: IR O12 ..IR +22 246
>Jonathan_Lindh: DFIJTTY J10 JI.T +27 336
#note 8L JATO for 19 for maximum defense. JILT is decent though.
>Ricky_Sirois: ILV 14F VI.L +26 272
>Jonathan_Lindh: ?DFSTTY 15A F.Y +27 363
>Ricky_Sirois: CV 11A V.C +8 280
>Jonathan_Lindh: ?DLNSTT 14F ....S +24 387
>Ricky_Sirois: E 6G .E +5 285
>Jonathan_Lindh: ?DELNTT 11H .L.D +16 403
#note Close. Apparently, 11H SNIDE for 23 is best by 6 points.
>Ricky_Sirois: ADEINOR N3 INROAD +25 310
#note I6 RE for 9 to prevent me from going out.
>Jonathan_Lindh: ?ENTT L3 TENTs +13 416
#note Best along with NETTs.
>Jonathan_Lindh: (E) +2 418
Player 2
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