Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Noah_Goldstein Noah Goldstein
#player2 Emmett_Brosowsky Emmett Brosowsky
>Noah_Goldstein: DEFOOT 8D FOOTED +28 28
>Emmett_Brosowsky: ACEIRRU D8 .IACRE +22 22
>Noah_Goldstein: ?ELNNPS 10B PL.NNErS +67 95
>Emmett_Brosowsky: EERRSTU 7G URETERS +69 91
>Noah_Goldstein: AEIRU 6J URAEI +19 114
>Emmett_Brosowsky: ?EFHMOW 5J HOWF +50 141
#note Thought I was making the best play but lo and behold K3 WHE(RE)FrOM for 126 to wreck my world. "punted 46 equity huh" - Josh Castellano
>Noah_Goldstein: IIIIII -IIIIII +0 114
>Emmett_Brosowsky: ?AEMNNR 4D MANNERs +74 215
>Noah_Goldstein: EEGO 5D OGEE +24 138
>Emmett_Brosowsky: BGIIOVY 6D GOB +33 248
#note 8A BIG(FOOTED) lol #knowledgesaddest
>Noah_Goldstein: AQST 3A QATS +33 171
>Emmett_Brosowsky: HIITVWY 13B VI.WY +28 276
>Noah_Goldstein: COV H1 COV. +27 198
>Emmett_Brosowsky: AHIIKTU B2 H.IKU +28 304
>Noah_Goldstein: DEX A6 XED +42 240
>Emmett_Brosowsky: AADILOT 11D .OAL +20 324
#note H10 (r)ADIAL sims best, I guess I'm just supposed to score? #strategysad
>Noah_Goldstein: UY H10 .YU +16 256
>Emmett_Brosowsky: ADEEILT 1F DI.E +7 331
#note 1D DELI(C)ATE missed mate in one. #findingsaddest
>Noah_Goldstein: ILT 8M TIL +16 272
>Emmett_Brosowsky: AAEILPT O8 .AP +5 336
#note 9J LIPA #strategysadder
>Noah_Goldstein: III -III +0 272
>Emmett_Brosowsky: AEIILNT 2F AN.LE +18 354
#note M3 IN(FEST) #visionsadder. My play isn't so bad but it's not great
>Noah_Goldstein: BD 12G D.B +10 282
>Emmett_Brosowsky: GIIJMTZ I12 .IZ +15 369
#note Very interesting position. The pool is so dangerous that I thought I couldn't block everything until I found BIZ -- even with this, I saw that with the O in the bag, he bingos out with T(Z)ARINAS to win. My rack was so inflexible that I didn't see any other options. I briefly considered passing but realized quickly that holding both the Z and J makes this untenable. Champ player says BIZ wins 7/8 -- unfortunately the O was in the bag and I went to 2-5 on the tournament.
>Noah_Goldstein: AAINRST 14H T.ARINAS +88 370
>Noah_Goldstein: (GIJMOT) +32 402
#note 5/12 correct moves.
Player 2
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