Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Barry_Keith Barry Keith
#player2 Emmett_Brosowsky Emmett Brosowsky
>Barry_Keith: AMRT H6 TRAM +12 12
>Emmett_Brosowsky: AADDOOZ G7 AZO +33 33
>Barry_Keith: UX 6H .UX +26 38
>Emmett_Brosowsky: ACDDOOY F3 COADY +21 54
#note F3 DOODY
>Barry_Keith: RV 5E V.R +12 50
>Emmett_Brosowsky: ?DGIIOT 3C ODI. +14 68
>Barry_Keith: AEGLRST C1 GL.ATERS +60 110
>Emmett_Brosowsky: ?GIMPTW 1A MI.G +30 98
>Barry_Keith: ISWY F9 YWIS +26 136
>Emmett_Brosowsky: ?AEPTTW 8A WA.P +36 134
>Barry_Keith: DEIJR 12A JERID. +44 180
>Emmett_Brosowsky: ?EEOTTU A12 .UTE +33 167
>Barry_Keith: AELNORS 11E A.LERONS +88 268
>Emmett_Brosowsky: ?EEEFOT 12H FEE +23 190
>Barry_Keith: ?EILPRV L4 PREVaIL. +74 342
>Emmett_Brosowsky: ?ABEOQT I3 TOQ.E +24 214
>Barry_Keith: EFO 10I OF +30 372
>Emmett_Brosowsky: ?AABCHI B4 BAH +35 249
>Barry_Keith: EGLN H1 GLEN +23 395
>Emmett_Brosowsky: ?AACEIT 1H .lACIATE +83 332
>Barry_Keith: DKNU C11 D.UNK +20 415
>Emmett_Brosowsky: HIINOOT 4L .O +4 336
#note Fishing for THIONIN which is 2/8 but there's no way he doesn't block it. I should go for equity here.
>Barry_Keith: BNU 3M BUN +18 433
>Emmett_Brosowsky: EHIINOT 8K H.INT +21 357
#note I made eight of out twelve correct moves in this game., and the total equity loss added up to like Am I good? Was this a fluke? Did I get fucked by the bag all tournament? Maybe all three.
>Barry_Keith: EINS 13J SINE +15 448
>Barry_Keith: (EIO) +6 454
Player 2
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