Player 1 |
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Niel_Gan Niel Gan
#player2 Josh_Sokol Josh Sokol
>Niel_Gan: EEEGLMN 8G LEG +8 8
#note Not knowing the bing, I should at least play MENGE here or GEMEL. Even MELEE better, which I would have been most sure of.
>Josh_Sokol: COW F8 COW +23 23
>Niel_Gan: AEEIMNR I8 .ERMAINE +63 71
>Josh_Sokol: ACDEILR E9 DECRIAL +78 101
>Niel_Gan: AEEINOR H12 EOAN +28 99
>Josh_Sokol: OY F14 YO +28 129
>Niel_Gan: EIIIRRU -IIIRU +0 99
#note Considered keeping EIR but this sims marginally better. (M)IRI and (M)UIR worth considering.
>Josh_Sokol: KY J13 KY +38 167
>Niel_Gan: AABEGRT D8 GAR +16 115
#note I sometimes do this thing where I see a play and forget to check if there's an almost-identical one with a better leave (bingoing 8 percentage pts more in this case). Also considered A(L)B and A(L)BE. The former bingoes more often than I thought on this board, prob bc the E is a decent lane and the R possible. Would've been a better play overall than GAT and much better than my play.
>Josh_Sokol: MPU D12 UMP +30 197
>Niel_Gan: AABEENT C12 BAA +34 149
>Josh_Sokol: INRST K9 TRINS +18 215
>Niel_Gan: EEEGNOT L10 ENE +14 163
#note OE restricts opp a little more while still allowing bingos with NG. This sims back about a percent.
>Josh_Sokol: IJN M9 JIN +24 239
>Niel_Gan: DEGOTTU 8M DUG +27 190
#note Didn't look too much after this, but (JIN)GO worth considering. It prob oversims bc opp equity play often opens the triple.
>Josh_Sokol: ?DELNSW J2 WEDeLNS +78 317
>Josh_Sokol: FTTU (challenge) +5 322
>Niel_Gan: EIOOTTT -IOOTT +0 190
#note WEDELNS seemed highly likely a word but I pretty much always lose if it is. (D)ITTO better than exchanging here even against a human, I think. During the game I didn't see a non-exchange play that made it hard to kill the best lanes, not that it makes a difference to the outcome in the vast majority of cases.
>Josh_Sokol: FTTU C7 TUFT +34 356
>Niel_Gan: AEEISTV 6G VEA.IEST +63 253
#note Missing the better hi prob = bad
>Josh_Sokol: BOOZ I1 BOZO +54 410
>Niel_Gan: AHIOOQT H1 OH +36 289
#note Considered QI and QAT but prefer this
>Josh_Sokol: ?AEHIIL B2 HAILIEr +77 487
>Niel_Gan: AIIOQTT A4 QAT +47 336
#note Prob better for spread to immediately take the _RUG spot but I thought there was an ok chance he didn't play there. Works better if there's an N or something in the pool though, as there isn't much to draw aside from X plays.
>Josh_Sokol: FOX C1 FOX +49 536
>Niel_Gan: IIORRST A8 TRIO +24 360
#note TRIOR and TORII better.
>Josh_Sokol: DEPUV D2 DEV +31 567
>Niel_Gan: IRS 5D SRI +14 374
>Niel_Gan: (PU) +8 382