Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Josh Josh
#player2 Ben Ben
>Josh: BHINPTZ 8F PHIZ +36 36
>Ben: DEIM 9G IDEM +30 30
>Josh: ?BEEENT 10C BETwEEN +80 116
>Ben: AALQ E10 .ALAQ +28 58
>Josh: DEEHOTW D8 WE.TED +37 153
>Ben: GINPS 15A PINGS +45 103
>Josh: AHLORST 14A OH +24 177
>Ben: CFRSU 11I SCURF +33 136
>Josh: ADILRST 8A DRA. +24 201
>Ben: EILNRTY A4 TREN.ILY +63 199
>Josh: IILSTVY 4A .IVY +20 221
#note N9 IVY #knowledgesad
>Ben: OOTUX M8 OUT.OX +34 233
>Josh: EEIILST F12 LEI +25 246
>Ben: CEGIORT 5D ERGOTIC +75 308
>Josh: ABEFIST 8L F.BS +39 285
>Ben: JM C7 J.M. +33 341
>Josh: AAEGITW H1 AWAI. +27 312
>Ben: AEKNO 2G A.OKEN +23 364
>Josh: ?DEEGTU O1 oUTEDGE. +80 392
>Ben: AANORRS L11 .OAR +21 385
>Josh: ILNOOUV K13 VOL +21 413
#note J11 (C)OVIN #endgamesad
>Ben: AANRS K2 .ARS +30 415
>Ben: AANRS -- -30 385
>Josh: INOU L1 U.ION +12 425
>Josh: (AANRS) +10 435
Player 2
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Current time: 2025-01-09 14:37:58 Server IP: