Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Ben Ben
#player2 Josh Josh
>Ben: IOQTU 8D QUOIT +48 48
>Josh: ABDGMUX F7 D.UX +28 28
#note 7G XU #strategysaddest
>Ben: EH E10 EH +19 67
>Josh: AABGMNT D10 TAB +25 53
>Ben: NORZ C11 RONZ +36 103
>Josh: ABFGIMN 14A FA.ING +46 99
>Ben: DEI A12 DE.I +30 133
>Josh: BDIIMNU 15F UNBID +27 126
>Ben: CKOT G10 TOCK +26 159
>Josh: ?EEILMN 12G .aMELINE +72 198
>Ben: ACLR N10 CL.AR +26 185
>Josh: AEIIJPP I10 JI.P +18 216
#note K9 JAI(L) #strategysad
>Ben: AEOR J7 AERO +17 202
>Josh: AEEEIOP 14J EPEI.A +15 231
#note K10 EA(L)E #findingsad
>Ben: AFU I5 AUF +19 221
>Josh: EIMNOST 5D SOMNI.TE +90 321
>Ben: AEILNOS L2 ANISOLE +77 298
>Josh: ?AGHLOR 4C HOG +21 342
#note O7 ARGH #findingsaddest
>Ben: GRVY 2J GR.VY +32 330
>Josh: ?ADELRT 3B DELAToR +81 423
>Ben: ORSY 15L ROSY +52 382
>Josh: AESTV 1F VESTA +27 450
>Josh: (EWW) +18 468
Player 2
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