Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Josh Josh
#player2 Steve Steve
>Josh: ABCDDHZ 8G CAZH +36 36
>Steve: JNNOY J6 JO.NNY +37 37
>Josh: BDDFIOU K3 BUDO +23 59
#note K5 DOF #tacticssad
>Steve: EEEEEES -EEEEE +0 37
>Josh: ADFIOPV L1 VOIP +38 97
>Steve: EHLTY K11 ETHYL +32 69
>Josh: AADEFTX 15K .AXED +42 139
#note J14 FA sets up 15H OX(AL)ATED. #strategysaddest
>Steve: BLRU L6 BURL +19 88
>Josh: ?ADFINT H1 iNTIFAD. +86 225
>Steve: ANORSTT 4B STRONT.A +66 154
>Josh: AEGGSSW 1L .AWS +30 255
#note 1C SWAGG(i)ES. I have absolutely no memory of this word. #KNOWLEDGESADDEST
>Steve: EEIOPRS O8 REPOISE. +86 240
>Steve: EEIOPRS -- -86 154
>Josh: EGGIOOS M3 GOOS +40 295
>Steve: EEIOPRS D4 .OPERIES +61 215
>Josh: EEFGINR O8 FINGERE. +92 387
>Steve: IQ 2F QI. +32 247
>Josh: AEEIRUU M12 EAU. +22 409
>Steve: KO J13 OK +40 287
>Josh: EGIIRRU 8A GIR. +15 424
#note E3 G(O)IER #findingsadder
>Steve: EEM N8 EME +20 307
>Josh: AEILLRU A8 .UERILLA +80 504
>Steve: EINW E10 WINE +23 330
>Josh: ?AACDIT F11 CADI +19 523
#note E3 C(O)DAs #timesaddest
>Steve: EMTV G10 VET +15 345
>Josh: ?AT 15F sAT +13 536
#note L11 TAi #timesaddest
>Josh: (M) +6 542
Player 2
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