Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Josh Josh
#player2 Sokol Sokol
>Josh: AAEGGOR 8D AGOGE +16 16
>Sokol: EOQSTWW 9F WOW +24 24
>Josh: ABELMNR 7F BALM +31 47
#note 7C BLAMER #knowledgesad
>Sokol: AEHOQST 7B QAT +15 39
>Josh: DEIILNR 8A LI +17 64
>Sokol: EHOPRST 6H POTHERS +79 118
>Josh: ADEINNR N4 IN.NARED +61 125
>Sokol: ?AAAINV O11 AVIAN +39 157
>Josh: DIIJORT 8L JI.O +57 182
>Sokol: ?AEOTVY O1 OVATE +32 189
>Josh: DIPRTUU 5I PIU +29 211
>Sokol: ?EERRYY L8 .ERRY +30 219
>Josh: CDNRTUU M1 CRUD +18 229
#note K11 UNCUT #findingsaddest
>Sokol: ?DEEHTY N13 HYE +35 254
>Josh: AFILNTU I9 FLUTINA +82 311
>Sokol: ?DDEMOT H13 DOM +35 289
>Josh: BEFIKRZ 14F BR..ZE +43 354
#note 10B KEFIR #strategysadder
>Sokol: ?DEEIST 1F DESErTI. +83 372
>Josh: FIKOSTX 2E FIXT +32 386
>Sokol: ?AEINNU E2 .UN +6 378
>Josh: CGKLOSS 5B LOCKS +44 430
#note This gives back a cool 10. #endgamesadder

Sokol: this is my analysis of what should happen after (F)UN for 6. tl;dr the play, all things considered, probably wins 50/50, due to inference. My calculations come to a cynical result of 216/360, inferring that Josh will always block correctly when I can only hit one area. Optimism gives me closer to 2/3 when he blocks the wrong spot.

CE loses
CO wins 16/360
GE dead with O in bag, K in bag, 1/2 C in bag, L in bag, S in bag, probably dead with E in bag, so 5/16*2/45 so 5/360
GO dead with E in bag, L in bag and K in bag, 8/360
EE loses
KO loses
KE loses
KG loses with E in bag, O in bag, 4/360
KL wins 8/360
KS wins 16/360
CG wins 8/360
CL wins 8/360
CS wins 16/360
GS wins 16/360
LS wins 16/360
ES wins 32/360
OS wins 32/360
EO loses
OO loses
SS wins 8/360
EL wins 16/360
LO wins 16/360
GL wins 6/360
CK probably loses
>Sokol: ?AEEINO D4 A.E..tION +44 422
>Sokol: ?AEEINO -- -44 378
>Josh: EGS 9B SEG +21 451
>Josh: (?AEEINO) +12 463
Player 2
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