Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Josh Josh
#player2 Niel Niel
>Josh: DGNOUVW 8D VODUN +26 26
#note 8G GUV #strategysadder
>Niel: CDPRTTX G6 CR.X +22 22
>Josh: ?EGNPRW E7 P.WERiNG +76 102
>Niel: DIKNPTT 12C KN.T +14 36
>Josh: AAESUUY C12 .YU +20 122
#note 13C AU(N)E #strategysaddest
>Niel: ACDIMPT F8 .AM +35 71
>Josh: AAEEMSU B13 AMU +23 145
>Niel: ACDIPST 15A C.SP +44 115
>Josh: ABEEEOS -OBEE +0 145
#note F14 OE #strategysaddest
>Niel: ADILNNT A8 INLAND +31 146
>Josh: ?AEIOSS B2 lOIASES +68 213
#note I4 lOIASES #strategysad
>Niel: DEJQTUZ 3A T.QUE +28 174
>Josh: AEIOSTT I7 OSTIATE +70 283
>Niel: DHIJOTZ H13 ZHO +56 230
>Josh: EEELLRR J11 LEER +22 305
>Niel: DIIJLTT K8 JILT +28 258
>Josh: EGIILRW J2 WILIER +21 326
#note 5A E(A)RWIG #findingsadder
>Niel: DDFFHIT K3 DIFF +42 300
>Josh: BEEGORY 4D GREBO +26 352
#note L11 OBEY #findingsaddest
>Niel: AABDHOT 8K .ABOT +45 345
>Josh: EGINOVY 15J YEVING +59 411
>Josh: AAEOR (challenge) +5 416
>Niel: ADEEHIO 5B .AHED +34 379
>Josh: AAEOR O5 AOR.AE +6 422
#note 14N EA #endgamesaddest
>Josh: (EIO) +6 428
Player 2
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