Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Jonathan_Lindh Jonathan Lindh
#player2 Noah_Goldstein Noah Goldstein
>Jonathan_Lindh: EEFRRUY 8D FURRY +30 30
#note Best. This would be the only game I would win during my 1-7 finish to close Albany.
>Noah_Goldstein: ?ADFNOZ 7C ZONA +32 32
#note I think Noah said this was his actual rack but it might have been FG? as the leave instead of FD?. If this was his rack, the FORZANDO/FORZANDI variants played for 80-81. Very hard finds. F6 ZARF for 36 is another good option.
>Jonathan_Lindh: AAEEEIR G7 E.A +20 50
#note G6 AERIE for 22 is in theory a better version of my play, but given Noah's actual rack, ERA worked out for the best.
>Noah_Goldstein: ?DFGGIN 9B GIF +17 49
#note I think this was Noah's actual rack.
>Jonathan_Lindh: AEEIRST H8 .EASTIER +88 138
#note Best. Lucky draw.
>Noah_Goldstein: ?ADEGLT 13C DELAT.nG +70 119
#note Quackle likes 14B GALLETED for 72 the best here and that would have blocked my next play.
>Jonathan_Lindh: AADEEHW 15A HEADWEA. +101 239
#note This is phony?! I see this word used all of the time. 12A WAAH for 41 is my best valid play.
>Noah_Goldstein: NU 14A UN +13 132
>Jonathan_Lindh: AADEIIU 11C ADIEU. +14 253
#note Best.
>Noah_Goldstein: BENO 12A BONE +30 162
>Jonathan_Lindh: AEIMMOR 10E OM +22 275
#note Best.
>Noah_Goldstein: BOTU 10H .BOUT +9 171
>Jonathan_Lindh: AEEIIMR 11J EMIR +24 299
#note L7 AIRTIME seemed a bit too open at this score. I am fine with EMIR.
>Noah_Goldstein: OP 14E OP +27 198
>Jonathan_Lindh: ACEEEIJ C4 JEE. +20 319
#note Best.
>Noah_Goldstein: GI 4C .IG +22 220
>Jonathan_Lindh: ACEIKLQ D3 Q. +11 330
#note Wanted to keep the I for the GI spot.
>Noah_Goldstein: IINRTTX - +0 220
#note Exchange 3. Not actual rack.
>Jonathan_Lindh: ACEIIKL 5E ILIAC +20 350
#note Best. Does not open anything major after Noah's exchange 3, and digs for ?SSS.
>Noah_Goldstein: INRT H1 INTR. +18 238
#note I knew this was phony, but I left it on to play...
>Jonathan_Lindh: EKLNOPR 1C PLONK.ER +65 415
#note ...Another phony? PLONKIER# is Collins only.
>Noah_Goldstein: ?AINOSS 3F AS.ONIeS +68 306
>Jonathan_Lindh: HOTTVVY L10 ..VY +20 435
#note Hard endgame.
>Noah_Goldstein: CDLSWX L2 D.X +20 326
>Jonathan_Lindh: HOTTV 6B V.T +24 459
#note Best.
>Noah_Goldstein: CLSW K8 SC.. +8 334
#note Best.
>Jonathan_Lindh: HOT 2L .OTH +18 477
#note This and the game I played against Richard had ugly endgames.
>Jonathan_Lindh: (LW) +10 487
#note Final score recorded as 485-334.
Player 2
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