Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Kenneth_Rubin Kenneth Rubin
#player2 Jonathan_Lindh Jonathan Lindh
>Kenneth_Rubin: FOU 8G FOU +12 12
>Jonathan_Lindh: ?AAEFMN G7 A.F +14 14
#note AFF and 9F FAM for 19 are basically tied. Scored as 13.
>Kenneth_Rubin: ?CENOTT H1 COrNETT. +82 94
#note Amazing find! If I play FAM, Ken still has CORNETT/FOUR.
>Jonathan_Lindh: ?AEEIMN 1H .hIMENEA +86 100
#note Best bingo. I had some great finds all tournament and this was one of them.
>Kenneth_Rubin: HNOPY 6F PY.HON +35 129
#note Great board vision by Ken, although 6E PHYTON for 37 may even be a tad better. You never see YAFF played in a live game.
>Jonathan_Lindh: AABCLSV K4 BA.C +16 116
#note Weird play. This was a BANCS set up, but I could have just played VACS/PYTHONS for 33 straight up and shed my two clunkiest tiles. This was probably the mental aftermath of the previous Zach loss talking.
>Kenneth_Rubin: ADEL 2J DALE +24 153
>Jonathan_Lindh: AEILSVV 8K SELVA +36 152
#note I never saw SILVA in the same spot. I definitely would have played that or SELVA had I saw it. Quackle actually likes M1 NEVI for 14 keeping SELVA and trying for a bingo. That makes sense to me.
>Kenneth_Rubin: ABIO F9 OBIA +17 170
>Jonathan_Lindh: ADIIOTV N6 VI.A +18 170
#note 4K BOVID for 26.
>Kenneth_Rubin: EGHIU 4D HUEI.G +20 190
#note Just HUED. This is phony. I let a few too many phonies go this tournament.
>Jonathan_Lindh: DIORRTT 10J DROIT +25 195
#note If this was my rack, I blew the game by missing 12D TRADITOR for 70. At least DROIT was the 2nd best play.
>Kenneth_Rubin: AIOPRTZ - +0 190
#note Unsuccessful challenge. Not actual rack.
>Jonathan_Lindh: DEGIRRT E2 DR.G +12 207
#note Just 5B GRIT for 19.
>Kenneth_Rubin: PRUY 2B PUR.Y +38 228
#note Phony again.
>Jonathan_Lindh: EINRTTX 11E T.X +20 227
#note I almost played L4 EX for 35 here but then got strangely attached to the EINRT leave which isn't anything special on this board. EX is the play against a human opponent given the number of unseen S's out.
>Kenneth_Rubin: EMS L4 EMS +37 265
>Jonathan_Lindh: EINNRTT 3A TIN +14 241
>Kenneth_Rubin: AEEIIOQ - +0 265
#note Exchange 3. Not actual rack.
>Jonathan_Lindh: EELNRTW 3M WEN +24 265
#note Best.
>Kenneth_Rubin: AELOSZ O10 SLEAZO +55 320
#note Killer.
>Jonathan_Lindh: AEGKLRT A3 .ALKER +33 298
#note M7 GLAIKET for 38 is incredible, but TALKER actually sims better.
>Kenneth_Rubin: IW 14M WI. +30 350
>Jonathan_Lindh: DEGIOOT 5A .O +2 300
#note LO was one of the top performing plays. Basically, my idea is to go for one of the two unseen R's and get GOITRED and hope Ken does something else like play in column 15 or get rid of his Q. I would have preferred to play KO# and have the option of bingoing with INGOTED as well, but that was not an option.
>Kenneth_Rubin: IQRRS 13D QIS +19 369
#note Partial rack. After the game, Ken told me he had both R's so my plan was not going to work, but I still think LO was a great idea.
>Jonathan_Lindh: DEGINOT 13K GIE +18 318
#note 14A DENI for 21. I was completely out of time and thought JO/OW was an option for Ken for some reason.
>Kenneth_Rubin: EJRRU C1 J.. +10 379
#note 5J JAM for 21.
>Jonathan_Lindh: DNOT E8 DO +9 327
#note Another horrible play, giving Ken a nice out.
>Kenneth_Rubin: ERRU D6 RUER +16 395
#note Final score recorded as 397-316 Ken because I went over by about 30 seconds and we misscored a few plays.
>Kenneth_Rubin: (NT) +4 399
Player 2
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