Player 1 |
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#player1 Jonathan_Lindh Jonathan Lindh
#player2 Noah_Goldstein Noah Goldstein
>Jonathan_Lindh: AEMNORU 8F AMU +10 10
#note Truly horrible play. 8G NEUROMA for 74 or one of the many NEUROMAs/ENAMOURs. I was mentally exhausted after losing 6 of my last 7.
>Noah_Goldstein: AGLLOQR H7 Q.AG +14 14
#note Noah said his rack was something like this.
>Jonathan_Lindh: AEENORW I9 WOE +22 32
#note Looks good.
>Noah_Goldstein: FILR F6 FL.IR +18 32
>Jonathan_Lindh: AAEINNR J8 EARN +20 52
#note Close. J8 INANE for 21 due to the leave. I think is a about a 5 point mistake. Once again, not playing optimally after all that happened in my last 7 games.
>Noah_Goldstein: LNOR E9 LORN +12 44
>Jonathan_Lindh: AGIINOT D11 OI +10 62
#note Quackle likes blowing up the rack entirely with 12B ATONING for 20 but it's within a point or two. I prefer my play to keeping a good leave and set up a second bingo line.
>Noah_Goldstein: IRT 6D RI.T +7 51
>Jonathan_Lindh: ACDGINT C6 DATING +23 85
#note This play was also exhaustion talking. It's not terrible, but I should have looked a little bit harder for C9 DICTA for 28 or did the other DATING at C1 for 25. This DATING closes the board way too much and puts things into a weird shape. The board does not favor keeping a lone C as the leave. C11 CAD for 20 keeping GINT is another good option.
>Noah_Goldstein: EHINRST K2 HINTERS +72 123
#note I would have been in a lot better position to come back had I done DICTA, CAD, or the other DATING.
>Jonathan_Lindh: CFIPPTV 2J C.IPT +36 121
#note Semi intentional phony. I was pretty sure it wasn't good but I thought I could get away with it. All of the valid options here stink, and CHIPT opens a big spot Noah might not be able to hit.
>Noah_Goldstein: BEI 8A BI.E +21 144
#note Another reason why my DATING wasn't optimal: potential for big DITZ/RITZ Z bombs. Thankfully, Noah just scored 21 points.
>Jonathan_Lindh: EFLPSTV 6J V.EP +17 138
#note VEEP is fine.
>Noah_Goldstein: ?CDEILR A3 CREDI.Le +63 207
#note M6 PRICKLED for 82 and 4H CRINKLED for 80 are the star plays here.
>Jonathan_Lindh: DEFLNST K11 DELFT +26 164
#note I suspected Quackle might like DELF better. Quackle has DELFT back by about 1.5 points so very minor, if that. I nearly played it, but thought Noah might have drawn one of the hooks on his post bingo draw. Besides, I've already been triple tripled on twice in the early bird, what's a third to me?
>Noah_Goldstein: ?ADEGIO 15G GODE.IAs +80 287
#note Well, apparently DELFT was 80 points to Noah. GODETIAs was his best bingo. I wans't winning this game after missing NEUROMA.
>Jonathan_Lindh: AAENOSY 4A .AYON +16 180
#note Apparently just 1N AY for 17, making sure Noah can't hit the big triple word spot and hoping to bingo. My chances are about 0% no matter what. And if I am going to play these letters, play A3 CYANO for 20.
>Noah_Goldstein: ENZ 14M ZEN +37 324
>Jonathan_Lindh: AEJKMOS 1L KOAS +56 236
#note Looks best. I'm just cutting spread at this point. I saw JAMOKES which did not play as well.
>Noah_Goldstein: AUU 4J U.AU +8 332
>Jonathan_Lindh: AEJMVWX 14F JAW +37 273
#note Looks good again.
>Noah_Goldstein: EHOS 3A .HOSE +39 371
>Jonathan_Lindh: EEMTVXY N11 VEX.. +14 287
#note Best, blocking BOUSEs. I was exhausted, but I was still trying.
>Noah_Goldstein: BOSU 13N .U +11 382
#note Either this or 14J OF for 11 are Noah's best options.
>Jonathan_Lindh: EMTY 2E MY +20 307
#note Best.
>Noah_Goldstein: BOS 1F BOS +22 404
#note Best.
>Noah_Goldstein: (ET) +4 408
#note Even in this game, I got more turns right than I got wrong, but missing NEUROMA was a killer and DATING was an uninspired meh play.