Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Karl Karl
#player2 Joey Joey
>Karl: ?ADORSY 8B bOYARDS +78 78
>Joey: ?ADNOTV E4 VAND. +18 18
#note It was just his tourney, as he blocked NOVATED and didn't allow DONATIVE.
>Karl: AEJ 7C JA.E +44 122
>Joey: ?ELNOTU H1 OUTLiNE. +74 92
>Karl: FOX I5 FOX +44 166
>Joey: CDGOOVW 9A VOW +31 123
>Karl: IIZ 3F ZI.I +15 181
>Joey: CDGMORR 5C CR.G +7 130
#note ARCIFORM 5E would be pretty sick.
>Karl: DQU 1F QU.D +14 195
#note Already one of each power tile. At least they keep scoring less and less.
>Joey: DEMORRU C1 DURO. +16 146
>Karl: NPT 2B P.NT +12 207
>Joey: ACEMRRS 6H ..RM +8 154
>Karl: GOST L3 TOGS +17 224
>Joey: ACEEIRS G8 .ECIARES +63 217
#note Thought about AMERCES to play it a little safer. VISCERA is also noteworthy. I figured I needed the points.
>Karl: BEINRST 11E BR.NIEST +90 314
>Joey: ABEEEFG 15D FEA.E +36 253
>Karl: WY 14F Y.W +35 349
>Joey: BEGNOPT M2 BOP +22 275
>Karl: ET N3 ET +10 359
>Joey: AEGHKNT N1 TE..H +24 299
>Karl: EILOU 10I LOUIE +17 376
>Joey: AGHIKLN 14B KHI +25 324
>Karl: AAEIL 13G .EALIA +13 389
>Joey: AEGILMN O5 ENIGMAL +85 409
>Joey: AEGILMN -- -85 324
#note I was pretty certain it was just GEMINAL, but I was better off knowing for sure at the cost of fiftyish spread points. This would officially end my three-peat bid.
>Karl: AIN K5 A.IN +18 407
>Karl: (AEGILMN) +20 427
Player 2
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