Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Eric Eric
#player2 Joey Joey
>Eric: EEEEHIS -EEEI +0 0
#note He mentioned that he kept EHS. Don't know what he exchanged.
>Joey: DEILLPQ 8G QI +22 22
>Eric: AEHLMOS H5 HEM.OLAS +64 64
>Joey: DEEILLP 5H .ELP +18 40
>Eric: ESW I5 .WES +30 94
>Joey: DEGILNO 12H .IDELONG +74 114
>Eric: BLT M11 B.LT +12 106
>Joey: ?EENRST O8 iNTE.ERS +122 236
#note He mentioned that he had no consonants, making this impossible to block. That's the advantage of having both column N and O letters be consonants, though it rarely pays off quite this spectacularly.
>Eric: ADMSTU 15H DATUMS +43 149
>Joey: EEIIOVW 10G O.IVE +16 252
>Eric: GIZ N6 ZIG +35 184
>Joey: AAEFIOW 11K WA. +30 282
>Eric: IIUU -IIUU +0 184
>Joey: ADEFIKO 14F KAIF +29 311
>Eric: ACIINOR 13C CIAO +18 202
>Joey: DEEJNOT 15D JOE +25 336
>Eric: CINNNRR -CNNR +0 202
>Joey: DDENTUY 4K UNDY +20 356
>Eric: ?EEINRR E11 ER. +6 208
>Joey: DEEGOTT 3G GODET +16 372
>Eric: ?EINNRX N1 NIX. +28 236
>Joey: ABEFHRT 2H BAH +36 408
>Eric: ?EINNRR D5 gRINNER +59 295
>Joey: EFRRTTU 1L RU.T +15 423
>Eric: AIV 8A VAI. +21 316
>Joey: AEFPRTY 3M E. +24 447
>Eric: ACOOU C3 OCA +11 327
>Joey: AFPRTY 7C P.TY +19 466
#note I didn't notice his out play, so FARCY is best.
>Eric: OU 7H ..OU +6 333
>Eric: (AFR) +12 345
Player 2
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