Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Noah Noah
#player2 Joey Joey
>Noah: EEHMR 8D HERME +28 28
#note More challenge grid redness. Looks like a lot of other valid stuff.
>Joey: IIIMNNU F6 MI.IN +15 15
>Noah: ANTU D8 .AUNT +16 44
>Joey: EEFINOU -EFIOU +0 15
>Noah: AEELRSS 12C S.EALERS +59 103
>Joey: AEFHNTT 13J HAFT +25 40
>Noah: IO 12L OI +16 119
>Joey: DENOOTY 14J YET +39 79
>Noah: EELV H11 L.VEE +24 143
>Joey: ADNOOOS 11H .OAD +22 101
#note Close call between keeping the S or not.
>Noah: GIW 10J WIG +40 183
>Joey: ANOOSUZ E3 OUZO +30 131
>Noah: ANU 4B UNA. +8 191
>Joey: ALNNQSV -LNQV +0 131
>Noah: UX 3B XU +31 222
>Joey: ACLNOST H2 LACTON.S +63 194
#note I wanted to open up more lanes, which this does better than the bottom row placement.
>Noah: ?AEEIPS M4 APErIES +67 289
>Joey: ?ABGIOT 15A OBlIGAT. +83 277
>Noah: INY 3K YIN +30 319
>Joey: CDEJOOT 2J JOT +33 310
#note EJIDO escapes my vision far too often.
>Noah: EPR 8L P.ER +27 346
>Joey: CDEFOQW 9C Q.D. +27 337
#note Enough of these punishment draws already.
>Noah: DIV 9K VI.D +24 370
>Joey: CEFKORW 4L C.W +26 363
#note I wanted to play CARK, but emptying the bag would make it too easy an endgame for him.
>Noah: BEGILNR 1K BEGIN +42 412
>Joey: AEFKORR 14D OAK +38 401
#note No sequence wins here, but playing FREER first at least makes him address this.
>Noah: DLR 6L R.D +8 420
>Joey: EFRR G1 REF +21 422
>Noah: L 12L ..L +3 423
>Noah: (R) +2 425
Player 2
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